[H1][color=yellow][center]Michael Thomas Underground Parking Garage, Miami[/center][/color][/H1] A yawn escaped Michael after he had propped his legs up on the dashboard. It had been pretty hard trying to find a place to duck down in, especially with two APCs. All in all, the day was successful. Michael had gotten a group of Evos willing to fight back on his side. He would have loved to recruit the Guardian Angel that was mentioned at the vigil, but the only lead he had was that trailing thought that he heard just before being teleporter to Jennifer's hideout. [I]Miranda...[/i] The name had meaning and no meaning all at once. If he had only been able to stay... The thought presented itself for a short time as he glanced over to the passenger's seat at Anna. [I]I wouldn't have gotten all of this though.... maybe I can go out first thing in the morning[/i] Michael yawned again. He thought silently to himself about what he would do to start. He would first have to do some actual research. He groaned as he knew the quest for this Miranda woman would take all day. Luckily he had time since he pretty much mind fucked the owners of this parking lot to let them stay for as long as they needed to be there. Meanwhile, Jennifer would go and recruit more Evo's and her group would gather supplies. [I]Hmm... that's weird. It almost feels like there's... [/i] Michael looked around before shaking his head. "Anna can you pull watch while I take a nap." Michael had a very intense look on his face before he went to sleep. Something was definitely wrong. Little did he know, it was a lot worse than just wrong. [H2][center][color=black]"The Darkman" The Mind of Riley, Quantum HQ[/color][/center][/h2] Riley Smith slept on floor of her cell, sprawled out on the ground as she had only fallen asleep from her exhaustion. She almost felt as if going to sleep would be like pulling herself away from all of this. All of the pain. Riley was sadly mistaken as nightmares of the event that occurred in her home replayed through her mind. These nightmares weren't even scary, they were sad... depressing. As another countermeasure of escape, her power activated on its own as it did often when she slumbered. To escape through the life of another. It was now her only antidote to this depression. The scenery of her dream changed around her as a vision of a random Evo began to form. Who could it be? What would they be experiencing? How long would it last? The silence and sight of nothing did not answer these questions. Suddenly the scenery of Riley's home returned, though it was a lot dimmer and her parents weren't there with her. Not even Max Stross and his agents appeared to be present. Instead, there was a figure rocking in a chair in her living room. A black figure that couldn't be recognized. Like a shadow that had come to life. [Color=black]"Hello... Riley. It's nice to meet you.... Take a seat. We have a lot to discuss."[/color] The figure said with his deep ominous voice as a chair appeared in front of Riley.