Jeremiah frowned as Zoey got up and started walking away clearly avoiding the badge flashing cop. Turning back to Riley and the crying younger sister. [color=silver]That’s not really the issue.’[/color] Jerry frowned down at the younger girl. [color=silver] “They both smell like weed, and the fact that they are both truant right now means that I could search them, if I found them to be in possession we could have a major problem. On top of that if you and your sister get into it and I have to take one of you in and find that either of you are in possession of a controlled substance you could possibly lose custody of the younger kids if someone decides to open a neglect case.”[/color] Looking over at Kylie and Zoey before turning back Jerry continued. [color=silver]”Look, this is my day off and I don’t particularly feel like booking minors for smoking weed, older siblings for possessing it or taking kids away. Look, get your family. Let’s just take all of you home and we can talk okay? I’m new here and I’m guessing you’re the Reese family. I’m really sorry to hear about your parents but this just can’t happen. If I let this go then no one learns anything and next time people get taken away or sent to jail. I can promise that if you all agree to sit down with me and we can talk about this no one is going to get in any trouble this time. It sounds like everyone has already had a tough day.”[/color] With that Jerry sighed and gave Olivia a half hearted smile. [color=silver]”Sorry to ruin your day, honey. Let’s get your brother home. I need to have a conversation with your sister I’m thinking.”[/color] With that Jerry turned and started walking after Zoey towards the other Reese twin. [color=silver]”Miss Reese, may a have a word with you?”[/color] [@Snagglepuss89][@Knight of Doom][@lovely complex][@Viciousmarrow][@BilboTheGreat][@Emma]