[h1][center][color=dodgerblue]Sophia Reese[/color][/center][/h1] If Elliot hadn’t been there to ruin her entire morning, Sophia would have been walking on sunshine at the moment. Despite her ex-best friend showing up in town again, she had managed to hold herself together (with the help of trusty Jack Daniels) and get a date for herself. She had to admit she had thought about getting a date with Anthony before, but she had never managed to get around to it. Her last relationship had ended nearly a year ago, badly, so she had refrained from putting herself out there again, but it was about time she flirted again. Hopefully Anthony wouldn’t disappoint. Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket as she walked down the sidewalk back to the diner, Sophia took it out and read the message from James. “[color=red]I'm going to guess that it is one Elliot Longstreet, whose ass we both want to kick. Riley told me. He also told me that we're closed for the day, can you elaborate? I'm not complaining, I just want to know why. I'm going to be at home after school since we're closed, and try to catch up on sleep if you need me.[/color]” So Riley was with Elliot then. Where the hell did they go? She glared at her phone and typed back a reply, “[i]Yep. I kinda slapped him… [img]http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m181/Music_Sugar/erer_zpsxhqcincu.png[/img] Well, Kylie tried to serve biscuits with glass in them. Let’s put it that way…[/i]” Just as she was about to put her phone away another text message came through from her brother Riley. “[color=00FFBF]Your brother dragged me off, try to let me talk sometime. ~ The man carrying your handprint on his face.[/color]” Sophia’s heart skipped a few beats as she read the text from her brothers phone, though it was clearly Elliot behind the screen. She stared at it for a few moments, unsure of what to say as her fingers hovered above the touchscreen keyboard. She began to type something rude and passive aggressive, but deleted it ten times over before deciding against the whole thing. It was her brother’s phone and she didn’t need to bring him into her drama. Riley had been there, sort of, during her time of panic when Elliot had gone missing, but she didn’t want to make him any more involved than he had to be… Finally, as she reached the diner, she decided on a simple word. “[i]Sorry.[/i]” She wasn’t sure why she felt the need to apologize to him, but it felt right as she hit send. She was a little sorry, but not completely. He had earned that slap. Deciding that she too needed sleep before her date, Sophia walked around the diner and into the employee parking lot where her grey 2011 Toyota Corolla sat. Taking her keys from her pocket, she unlocked the door and slid into the driver's seat. Hopefully Kylie hadn’t gone home, that way she could actually take a decent nap. There was no doubt in her mind that Kylie would be making a fuss when she got home which meant Sophia wouldn’t be sleeping at night. Again… [sub][@Saint Girralo] [@Snagglepuss89] (Or [@lovely complex] if Riley see's the text instead.)[/sub] [hr] [h1][center][color=darkcyan] Blake Warren[/color][/center][/h1] Mortified at his minimal trip, Blake put his head down on his desk and hid himself with his arms. His face was red and he could feel it, which only made him more embarrassed. Most of the students had probably forgotten about the incident already, but all Blake could think was that they were all whispering and making fun of him. So much for staying out of the radar of the popular group of kids. They were bound to hear about this klutz now… right? Probably. He could only guess what they would say about him behind his back. He was already known as the quiet kid who liked to draw, now he had to be known as a klutz too. For just a moment, Blake had the thought that perhaps the students didn’t care about it at all, but it quickly faded. As he heard the teacher enter the classroom, Blake pulled his head up and sat upright. No use in having the teacher look down on him too. Adjusting himself, Blake suddenly noticed the pink haired girl who he had tripped into was now sitting herself directly beside him. He stared at her with his brown eyes for a moment, blinking. She waved at him as she sat herself, as if she was a friend of his. He raised his hand and slowly gave her a wave back in return, though he did not return the friendly grin that she was giving him. What was she doing? What was her ulterior motive here? Was she going to try to cheat off of him? If she was, she was in for a rude awakening. Whatever she had apparently seen on his homework sheet was most likely wrong. “[i]She must bad at English…[/i]” He thought, turning his attention to the front of the class as the teacher began to drone on about the chapter they should have read last night. What was this girl’s name again? He had noticed her in the class before and seen her around school quite frequently simply due to her hair color standing out, but had never actually made conversation with her. Wait. What did this girl expect of him? Was she waiting for him to do something? Suddenly embarrassment was replaced with nervousness. Apparently this cotton candy head wanted something with him, but he had no idea what it was. Did she want him to [i]talk[/i] to her? The voice of his few male friends lingered in the back of his head. They had always urged him to flirt with more girls, like they did. According to them he didn’t take hints when girls were trying to flirt with him. Perhaps… cotton candy was trying to flirt with him? Feeling the pressure, Blake took out his notebook and began to scribble down some words in his messy handwriting. “[i]Hi. I’m sorry about that…[/i]” He paused for a second, thinking of what his friends would tell him to say. “[i]I like your hair![/i]” He wrote it down quickly, thought about erasing it, but decided against his gut and folded the paper up. Heart pounding from the nerves, he half smiled at her and passed the paper onto her desk. Why he was so nervous about a girl he didn’t even know, he couldn’t tell you. Girls were just… weird. [sub][@OppositionJ][/sub]