Gonna go on talking about something that isn't feminism..again (damn women are annoying, huh?) So I said on here that I am a server and have bitched about various aspects on my job. So before I go to my specific bitch, let me lay the groundwork. At my job, we have a system set up for when people are "phased" or for those who don't know the service industry, it's when a server is taken off the floor and can finish up and go home (usually when the restaurant is slow or when its near closing time). The system we have is, we have a DT, or district trainer (a server who is able to train new servers/runners and does the checking out), they are responsible for making sure a servers sidework is done, their section is clean, and then give them a purple sheet (a purple sheet is a sheet of paper we need to check out our section, and go home). Well they decided to try something new. Instead of the DTs checking people out, it would be the closing foodrunner. Here is where the problem comes in. For one thing, the closing foodrunner is usually someone who doesn't know the sidework, because they've never had to do it. Second, they are usually the only foodrunner at the end of the night when servers are phased, so they need to continue to run food AND check people out. Also, if you work the morning shift, you need to be checked out by your relief (if they get there when you are still there, because you could be phased earlier depending on business). However, your relief doesn't have a purple handy with them, so you need to seek one out. I worked a busy Saturday morning shift and after my relief saw my sidework, I asked two managers for a purple sheet, only to be told that they were too busy to get one for me. I mean, its not like I wanted to go home or anything, I was seriously about to leave with nothing. So be that as it may, this system is not working out. No server or foodrunner is happy with it, but if your District Manager says jump, we say "how high". This is my biggest issue, they seem to think we need to constantly make changes even though the system that was set in place worked well. If it's not broken, don't fix it! And yeah, corporate is corporate. It's just such a headache because my focus should be on my work, and then when its time to go home they should have it where it's easy to get out of there so I could be taken off the clock and they keep more money. But nope, they decide that it has to be this way to make it that much harder on the servers. I swear, I think they keep punishing us because of all the issues that have been happening, yet it's usually the kitchen's fault 9/10 times with slow ticket times and wrongly prepared food. But are they punished? Nope. Ok, rant over.