[h2][b][u]Titan 1 Nuclear Missile Complex, Sutter Buttes – Jefferson 3rd Internal Security Battalion[/u][/b][/h2] Major Bennet Maceedoe sat in his refurbished office, overlooking the current map of the local region. He sighed, drinking from his coffee cup. The rebels had dug into the ruins of Beale AFB, and were refusing to surrender, not that he thought they would. Typical freedom fighting bastards, defiant to the very end. The light dimmed for a moment, no doubt the generators being switched over. He brushed some dust from his desk, before turning back to his work. He had perhaps three thousand troops at his disposal, with another two thousand five hundred reservists that had been called up to active duty for this operation. Command called in Operation Green Eclipse, and their plans were very clear, punish these separatists with extreme prejudice. His coffee tasted good, if not a bit cold to his liking, but such things could not always be helped. He grumbled to himself, commenting that he needed to get a small Bunsen burner for his desk, so he could keep his coffee warm at all times. The small luxuries in life, oh how they were so preciously loved, even in times of war. Bennet coughed into his arm, as he stood up to relay his plans to the local ground commanders, knowing that the attack would begin at dawn. War, war never changes, even in this hell left behind from the failures of the old world. The bunker was cold, perhaps it was from the setting sun, or perhaps other things, but Major Maceedoe bundled his jacket tightly about himself as he came out into the courtyard that dominated the mountain-top. Small campfires dotted the encampment, keeping the troops warm, and cooking their food that was greatly appreciated. A supply convoy had arrived the previous day, restocking the army units with precious ammo, food stuffs, and luxuries, such as coffee and chocolate. The small things, how long ago had it been when such trivial things were common place and in every store? He shook his head, clearing his thoughts, and made his way to the motor pool, where the battalion gear heads were working hard to finish last minute repairs and routine maintenance on the scarce few vehicles that could be spared to the Sutter Buttes Redoubt. They'd come in handy, no doubt, able to carry supplies, and field the few heavy munitions as well. Funny how the weapons of the old world, from before the 21st century were still working, still sending people to the grave, even when they'd been considered obsolete. Perhaps it was a great divine irony, but either way, Major Maceedoe took these small things as a gift, and cherished them greatly. He turned away from the Motor Pool, and made his way to the radio tent, where his comm troops worked away at decipher dispatches from headquarters, and send out relays to other units and High Command. He smiled to himself, how long had it been since he was a little old lieutenant, in charge of a signal corps unit, relaying messages from the coast to the valley. So long ago, yet at times, it seemed like yesterday. Major Maceedoe yawned, and left the men to work. There would be time recollect on the past tomorrow, time to think about anything and everything. But for now, he needed to sleep, and get some rest. A major operation was going to happen at dawn, and he needed to be well rested in order to command his troops to victory. War, war never changes.