Star Wars: The Rise of the New Empire CS: Screen Name: Abefroeman Character you wish to play: Sergeant Ryan Story Race: Human Faction: Imperial Remnant Background: Sergeant Ryan Story joined the Imperial Remnant when he was 18, fresh from school, and wanting to do anything other than be in more school. It was a big surprise to him when he joined the Imperial Remnant, finding out that aside from receiving basic military training, and his technical schooling, the Empire wanted its men and women to actively further their education, for not only the betterment of the Empire, but also as a way to rate individuals on their annual performance reports. At first, Ryan did the bare minimum, not really wanting to shine, or better yet, be noticed. He instead chose to work hard, learning what he could about Fuel Cell maintenance, coolant transfers, and whatever else peaked his interest in the fuels career field. After nearing the end of his six year enlistment, Ryan made Sergeant on his second try, and decide to re-enlist for another four years. He grew up on Muunilinst, son to a hard working delivery service driver. An average kid who chose to get out while he could, and chose the miltiary as that means of escape. Never really knew his mother, and was an only child to his knowledge. Ryan is now 24 years old, and stationed at the remote repair and refueling station on Korriban, known as Joint Base Red Sands. Six years down, four to go if he decides to get out, or another fourteen for a full military retirement. Character Class: Soldier - Fuels Journeyman (Could be force sensitive, who knows though...) Items: Standard Issue E-11 Blaster Rifle, DH-17 Blaster Pistol, Standard Issue Imperial Remnant Uniforms, to include body armor and helmet for combat situations. Nothing special. Character Personality: Ryan is an all around average man. He doesn't see the Empire as the bad guys, but rather as a group of freedom fighters like the Confederacy of Independent Systems from history of long ago. Ryan is a happy, easy going guy, enjoying being active and full of energy, along with having the gift of gab, able to get most people to talk and warm up to him. Bit of an oddball, in that he likes to build and paint miniature ships, but aside from that, he is just an average soldier serving his Empire. But deep down, Ryan does care about the world around him, and enjoys using humor in all aspects of his life, even when it may not be appropriate. Character Alignment: Ryan Story walks the line, perhaps balancing between both the Dark Side and the Light. He does both good things and bad. Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards: [img][/img] [hider=Sample Post:] Sergeant Story stretched out in his office chair, looking at his computer screen. He had just gotten on shift, looking over the new emails he had since received from last night until now. It was the usual mundane traffic. Fuel consumption rate projections for the next two months, a commander's call, a promotion ceremony, and the list went on. He sighed, clicking through them, making sure to save the important one, making appointment reminders in his calendar, and deleting the traffic that did not apply to him. He looked up, saying goodbye to Technical Sergeant Cas, his supervisor, and the shift that he was relieving. "Cas, don't have too much fun tonight. I hear the sand storm is a category three. Keep your kite inside for this one." Ryan said with a smirk on his face. He had a good working relationship with his immediate boss, and enjoyed working for him. Cas chuckled, nodding his head, and replying back. "But Story, I just got that new Beletron Industries Mk IV Flyer. You sure I can't fly it? Haahaha, you take care Story, just the usual stuff. See you tomorrow." Cas was in a good mood today, which meant nothing had gone wrong, which, when did that not happen, so to speak? Waving goodbye to Cas, Storyturned back to the computer, and began typing up the neccesary responses to the important emails. Figures that after all the talk of seeing the galaxy, you end up on some backwater planet in the middle of hicksville, but, at least it was quiet, peaceful, and allowed time to actually relax. Still, Story missed being on deployment with the main fleets, working long shifts to ensure fuel flowed to all aspects of the war effort. Picking up his communication device, Story called up regional headquarters to inform them of a possible fuel shortage that may affect operations at Joint Base Red Sands. "As usual, the damned automated service..." Story says aloud, and then in a mocking tone, he repeats the automated voice system, "This is ILA, the Imperial Logistical Administration, Region 37, where your concerns and mission matter to us. If you know your..." He pressed the correct sequence of numbers to reach his extension, Captain Palka. The line rang a few times, before finally being picked up. "This is Captain Palka,how may I help you?" "Captain Palka, Sergeant Story, Joint Base Red Sands, reference ID number THX-1130. Hows it going sir? I heard you made Major... congratulations, eh?" "Sergeat Story, you always are in such a good mood. Thanks, but its going to be seven more months before I get to wear it... damn line numbers. So, what can I do for you?" "Well, just wanted to keep you in the loop, we may go below our minimum fuel reserve levels for a week or so. I guess the contractor we are using to deliver the fuel, they are experiencing an overhaul of their ships at the moment, and will be unable to help us. So, just wanted to see what you want us to do here." "Figures..." Palka muttered, before continuing. "We will get an expedited work order in, along with a interim contract, to make sure you guys don't fall below your minimums. Thanks for letting me know, and I will make the calls now. Take care Sergeant Story, hope to hear back from you soon. And, have a nice day. I hear Red Sands is storming tonight." And with that, the line went dead, leaving Story to resume his work, which after annotating a few items, and dispatching a fuel cart to a waiting vessel, was to sit around and enjoy some entertainment with his coworkers. This was the average day of Sergeant Ryan Story on Korriban. [/hider]