At Batman's command, Bluebird began lowering her rifle. The more allies, the better, she supposed. Besides, this one looked like it could take a beating. "[b]Show yourself![/b]", Batman suddenly bellowed, tossing a series of batarangs into the air. "[i]Oh for fu-[/i]", Xiu muttered to herself, raising her rifle once again, her eyes darting around the area. "Surely you're not dumb enough to face the Justice League alone!", the old man continued. Xiu continued scanning the horizon. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the batarangs draw blood from the air. Immediately, her hyper-sensitive reflexes kicked in. Eyes bulging, she swung her gun around and fired a single shot at where the batarangs had struck. Suddenly a man appeared, as though he stumbled into existence for the first time, just as the round clipped his right ear. The man tumbled to the ground with a grunt. The Chinese gunner kept her sights locked on the man's head all the way down. "[i]Damn it[/i], mate!", the stranger groaned, before climbing to his feet again. "[i]Jaysus[/i], man, you trying to put my eye out or something?... [i]Oh don't you even start with me![/i]" He seemed to have some sort of mental illness. Not a risk worth taking. Xiu's trigger finger tightened, ready for the intruder to make a move. "Look, I'm not your enemy!", the man pleaded, angrily. "In fact I came to offer my help!". This guy was unconfirmed, and potentially dangerous. She wondered what other powers he might have, on top of invisibility. They couldn't afford to take any chances. Even Batman was surprised this time. Bluebird took charge, marching toward the man, gun still trained on his head. "[i]Wo-hui-da-si-ni-lao-wai![/i]", she hissed in her native tongue, attempting to be as intimidating as possible. "Who are you, and why should we trust you? Speak or die, [i]hun-dan[/i]!"