[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Other%20-%20Heroes%20Reborn%20RP%20-%20Characters/Character%20-%20Post%20Gifs/Athena%20Hale_zpsnp9aavhq.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Other%20-%20Heroes%20Reborn%20RP%20-%20Characters/Character%20-%20Post%20Gifs/Dylan%20Cox_zps3yr1yrdy.gif[/img] [h1][color=RosyBrown]Athena Hale[/color] and [color=saddlebrown]Dylan Cox[/color][/h1] [h2]Dylan's House ~ Lake Tahoe, California[/h2][/center] The sound that was the front door closing behind Dylan had long ago dissipated into the comfortable silence that now filled the rest of the house, the only thing disturbing the peace being the gentle breathing of the eight year old child that had been put to bed not long beforehand- she’d been there long enough to know that Aira wasn’t bound to wake from her slumber anytime soon... the events filling the night had worn her out, and drained her of all and any energy that typically filled the child’s small body. The sight was enough to warm the heart... Doing all that she could to not wake the child, the small and quite colorful figure that was the bunny known only as Athena slid itself out from under the girls arm, its whole body seeming to tremble for a moment as it worked to shake off any loose fur that was still latching onto the rest; its dark eyes unnaturally scanning the rest of the room and the hallway for any dangers before it once more went on the move, the creature itself dropping down to the floor beside the bed before it began to grow, and the fur to disappear from sight altogether leaving nothing more than the figure of a beautiful woman in its wake. How long had it been since she had such a luxury of being able to stretch her legs..? The luxury of sleeping, wrapped up in the comfort of a doona, rather than curled up in the hay that lined the inside of the hutch she had been forced to call home thanks to the girl’s parents... she knew the answer, and it was too long. Slowly lifting her arms up from where they had been resting by her sides, Athena let her hands trail up the length of her extremely paint-covered and strikingly naked body, her eyes fluttering to a close as she brought both of them up and together above her head, taking her sweet time to stretch for what felt like the first time in forever- she had to get out more, and now that Aira seemed to have this new guy looking after her... well it looked as though it was a big possibility that she would be allowed to tag along every now and then. Unable to help the soft chuckle that fell out through her lips at the very thought of having a bit more freedom, she allowed her dark brown eyes to scan the room once again, seemingly to search for something before they finally came to a stop on the figure of the little girl wrapped up tightly in the blankets on the bed; she was just so sweet- so innocent... the very sight of the young child sleeping calmly within the bed bringing a small though undeniably loving smile to her soft lips... Aira looked so peaceful, so content... truly the child had become her own little piece of heaven in amongst all darkness of hell... Taking those few couple of steps so as to close the gap between her and the child’s new bed, Athena leant herself forward and over Aira’s sleeping figure, silently working to pull the covers up and over the girl’s shoulders before finally, and with some hesitance behind her actions, she pulled herself away; her left arm once more relaxing down by her side as she brought her right hand up, rubbing exhaustively at her face for a few moments before eventually turning and making her way from the room. The house was new; and while it was going to take her a while to get used to, she was sure she had heard something about the bathroom being at the end of the hall. Groaning slightly and not even bothering to close the door as she passed it by, she turned her head ever so slightly to the side, her hand lightly ruffling her long and wavy dark brown locks of hair as her feet carried her across and to a stop in front of the shower, her body leaning into it so that she was able to turn it on; the ever relaxing sound of water flowing filled the air, the alluring warmth of the steam causing a smile to once more play over her lips- her body relaxing the very moment that she took that step and entered the shower... the water running rainbow with the paint that began to slowly wash away down the drain at her feet. Dylan was on the way home when he got a text from his sister, telling him to keep an eye out because things didn't seem right. He pulled into the driveway and grabbed the pair of clothes he had bought for Aira to wear when they go out in the morning. He didn't think to see what size she wore, so he got her a white dress with black polka dots all over it. Opening the door, Dylan looked to the right and hung up his jacket on the coat rack inside the door. He walked over to the fridge and opened it up to grab a beer, it was going to be a long night. Just then he noticed something wasn't right. He heard the shower running in the bathroom. Stepping lightly, he made his way down the hallway. First he looked into Aira's room to see if maybe she had the need to take a late night shower. She was laying in bed, fast asleep. But where did her bunny go? He left the room and slowly walked towards the bathroom, finding Athena could wait. Right now he had to find out who was in his bathroom. The bathroom door was wide open, he stepped into the doorway. Staying in the door e threw open the shower curtains to find a quite attractive woman showering. He shook the thought out of his head, this could be someone from quantum for all he knows. [color=saddlebrown]"Who are you, are you with Quantum?"[/color] he asked getting ready for anything; or so he thought. A moment to herself... that’s all she was asking for; was it really that hard..? The sudden rush of cold air blew in from the hallway hitting her skin, and causing goose-bumps to form over her flesh as Dylan insisted on holding the curtain open behind her- was he kidding right now..? Quantum was the last company she would work in; no matter how big of a pay check they could write for her. They had attacked her charge- her Aira... and that was a mistake that they were going to regret dearly when the time came that they tried again. [color=RosyBrown]“..don’t you dare ever group me in with those bastards, Dylan...”[/color] Clenching her jaw for a few moments as her words seemed to come out harsher than she had meant, she once again relaxed, a soft and gentle sigh falling out through her lips as she brought both her hands up to rest lightly upon her chest, barely covering her breasts as she twisted her upper body ever so slightly, her dark gaze meeting with his own though she knew for a fact that his would most likely end up wandering, [color=RosyBrown]“..well don’t just stand there; hurry up and get in... you’re letting in all the cold air.”[/color] [color=saddlebrown]"I don't even know who yo-"[/color] he stopped and sighed. What mattered was that she obviously wasn't from Quantum. More importantly a very attractive woman was inviting him in for a shower. [color=saddlebrown]"Well if you insist"[/color] Dylan said as he took off his shirt. He held out his hand towards the hallway as suddenly an opened beer bottle floated down the hallway, then another unopened bottle drifted into his other hand. [color=saddlebrown]"Beer?"[/color] he asked using his power to drop his trousers. [color=RosyBrown]“Now you’re talking.”[/color] Not even bothering to hide the way that her once playful smile twisted up into a smirk, Athena quickly glanced around at the room left in the shower before she shuffled across to make room for him to join under the constant stream of hot water- sharing not only a beer, but also a shower with a truly handsome man... could life really get any better than right now..? She’d have to remember to thank Aira one day... and hope to God her brother never found out about the shit she did whenever she was back on two feet, [color=RosyBrown]“I’ve got this strong craving right now for some carrot juice; but I’d never turn down a beer... especially if the one offering it is as good looking as you are.”[/color] Turning her body around so that she was instead facing him completely, Athena took a single step closer, her left hand coming up to rest delicately upon his chest while her right reached out to take a hold of the drink that he was offering for her to take, her soft lips parting slightly as she drew ever closer into him; the woman gently grazing the tips of her teeth against his ear as she chuckled, finally choosing to answer the statement he hadn’t even bothered to finish earlier, [color=RosyBrown]“..and by the way... you do know who I am...”[/color] A mischievous grin grew on Dylan's face as she inched ever closer. He brushed off her comment about craving carrot juice, figuring she was just a health nut or something. She was in amazing shape after all, so it only made sense. Then she said something that made him lose the grin and freeze up for a moment. He knew who she was? At first his mind scrambled through the women he had precious relations with, afraid this was a crazy ex or something. Then he caught a glimpse of some colorful water that had gotten stuck around the ring of the drain. Then he remembered her comment about carrot juice. Would this night cease to surprise him? [color=saddlebrown]"You're Athena? That little girl's bunny; you are a shape-shifter I'm guessing?"[/color] He asked. With all the evos out there this shouldn't be a surprise, but this was Aira's pet. How long had this woman been a rabbit, and been forced to live outside. And why, what could her motives possibly be? He took a drink of his beer while he waiting for a response from Athena. [color=RosyBrown]“Well look at you… sexy and smart… I have to hand it to Aira; she really does know how to pick them- if her taste in men continues on the path it is now, she is going to be one happy woman when she gets older.”[/color] Finally taking it upon herself to remove her beer from his grasp, Athena took a step back from him, keeping the distance only long enough so that she could remove the lid and take a swig from the bottle before she once again let her body press lightly up against his, her gaze slowly taking its time to trail up his body as she took it in all its glory; a mischievous smile playing over her lips as she brought her free hand up, the tips of her nails lightly scraping over his stomach… chest… collar bone… shoulder… before finally, her hand curled almost delicately around the back of his neck- if this was how her life was going to be from now on, she wasn't going to complain. [color=RosyBrown]“I can shift into any animal you can think of in that pretty little head of yours, baby… let's just say that like your ability, it was a gift I was born with…”[/color] Dylan released his bottle, changing the vectors to keep it suspended mid air. With both hands free now, he guided them down her sides and to her hips. His previous grin returned to his face as he looked down into her dark eyes. Lowering his head just over her shoulder, he planted his lips against her neck. He would have to thank Aira as well in the future for bringing such a beauty into his life. [color=saddlebrown]"It must feel Nice to be human again. How long have you been Aira's rabbit?"[/color] he asked, bringing his head back up to look her eye to eye once more. The very feeling of his hands resting softly against her body; his lips gently pressing upon the sensitive flesh of her neck… each and every action made causing for both an excited and anxious shiver to run through her being- by fucking God… had it really been that long since she’d felt the loving embrace of a man..? Felt the warmth and safety that came with being held so tightly against a strong toned body; all the while being able to see the burning passion and lust that flickered across their eyes, showing her, and letting her know exactly what it was that they desired... [color=RosyBrown]“..you have no idea handsome…”[/color] Curling her fingers just that little bit more around the back of his neck, Athena pressed herself ever closer against his body, her breasts resting flush against his chest as she once more let her gaze meet with his own- damn his eyes were gorgeous… if she wasn't careful, she could lose herself in them, and she was already walking a very dangerous line… from what she had seen already; he was the type of guy a girl could fall for… [color=RosyBrown]“..a little over a year… that's how long I've been with her… Her grandfather hired me to look out for, and keep her safe- I wanted to see the world, and he knew me and what I could do…”[/color] Pausing for a moment to gather her thoughts while she continued to stare back into his impossibly addictive eyes, she let go of the bottle of beer she had been holding onto, her hand instead coming up to rest softly upon his shoulder, [color=RosyBrown]“I was young; I ignored my brother, and jumped at the chance… and now here I am. Joh still doesn't know what I've been doing since I left…”[/color] [color=saddlebrown]"Well; you're no longer alone in your journey. We can keep her safe together."[/color] Dylan said as the two beers floated out of the shower and gently landed on the bathroom sinks counter. Then he caused the door to quietly close. [color=saddlebrown]"That should keep the cold air out better than the shower curtain"[/color] he said, followed by a light chuckle. His hands slid slowly from her hips up to her back. Then he lowered his head and met her soft, full lips with his own. He held her close to his body as he kisses the lovely woman he had the pleasure of sharing a shower with. Dylan had quite a few encounters with women he had just barely met, but Athena was different. Not just in the aspect she had been a rabbit for the past year. She was the kind of girl a guy could fall for.