[color=Moccasin][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Other%20-%20Heroes%20Reborn%20RP%20-%20Characters/Isabella%20Franccedilais%20-%20Gif%2003_zpsiptjirco.gif[/img] [h1]Isabella Français[/h1] [h2]Camelot ~ Albion[/h2][/center] Once again it was like time stood still; when in reality, everything she had just seen and heard was left behind and instead replaced by something familiar. Once again stumbling to remain balanced upon her feet as they touched ground, Isabella quickly glanced around her person, a small though obviously relieved smile playing over her lips as she gazed about the lush forests that surrounded her- she had done it... she had managed to get back; and by the height of the sun in the sky, she had managed to get back before the tournament had begun. Seemingly unable and unwanting to hide the way that her smile grew into more of a grin, Isabella let a relieved sigh fall out though her lips, her body seeming to visibly relax before finally she reached forward, once again taking a hold and lifting up the front of her dress as she began to make her way forward through the trees, each step audible as she disturbed the leaves and brush covering the ground. It had gotten lighter since she had left... the rays of the sun shining down through the tree tops to fall and spread a warmth throughout her body; it felt nice... comforting- though the knowledge that she had at least been gone for a couple of hours seemed to have the opposite effect. She knew she was going to be in trouble; her disappearing the way that she had wasn’t something that was going to go unnoticed. Dropping her bright blue eyes down to watch her step as she continued to move in the direction she knew to go in- how many times since her first appearance had she roamed these forests..? They were familiar, comforting... they were home- something she knew better than the back of her hand; and could maneuver just as well as any who had been brought up in the area. It was just one of the many things that Lancelot said he loved about her... Allowing for the material of her dress to slip from her grasp as the tree line began to thin out and open up, Isabella lifted her hand up from where it was resting, her bright eyes flicked up to gaze upon the towering figure of nature as she let her palm lightly press against the rough bark of the tree- these forests were old... peaceful; giving off that strange sense that something deeper, and almost magical was hidden within. To think that over the course of years to pass it was all going to be torn down... leaving nothing behind but vast open spaces, ready to be built up during the might of the industrial era which seemed as though would only come too soon for someone who was able to understand time as well as she could. A saddened flicked seemed to grace her features for only a brief moment at the thought of such waste of beauty before eventually, she tore her gaze away from the grace of nature, instead turning her attention over to the might of a large castle sitting strong not too far from where she was stood. Camelot was the pride of Albion, and home to the one true King... Arthur Pendragon had been the one to defy all odds stacked up against him in his quest to unite the lands- to go against his father, and to allow those who were able to wield the power of magic to lead normal lives... to have that chance to walk the right path without the fear of being hunted down, and slaughtered for the crime of being born; though she knew better than most about what was going on... there were people who were different, and what was actually considered to be magic within the walls of Camelot, was actually evolved abilities which had developed throughout the lives of those gifted; whether grown, or born into it, their abilities were something they should be proud of... and unlike during the rule of Uther Pendragon; they had no need to fear consequence unless such gifts were used for evil, and proof provided to both the royal court and King himself. Arthur was a good man... and a kind though just King. Taking a moment to just enjoy the stunningly beautiful view that spanned out before her very eyes, Isabella slowly turned her body against the trunk of the tree, her shoulder lightly leaning up against the trunk and her hand sliding down the bark until eventually, it dropped down to meet with the other, both coming up to rest just in front of her stomach, her fingers contently playing with one another out of pure habit as she stood before the mighty Kingdom she had long ago thrown herself into the midst of. “..I did it... I’m home...” [/color]