[center][color=lightgreen][h1]Elena Reese Los Angeles, California[/h1][/color][/center] [color=lightgreen]Elena looked towards Jack when he made the same conclusion, Quantum and the Governments across the world were planning on killing off the evo population during Dark Monday. "No offense taken, I've had t sort of use my ability to give it a jump start sometimes it wouldn't last the two thousand miles to DC." Elena watched as he took out an envelope of money, she did have some hidden as well. "I have some money to stashed away i'll be back i'll pack up some things as well you should do the same." Elena said as she turned back to head out of Jack's apartment and back into her own, she headed straight to her bedroom and inside her bedside table Elena pulled out an envelope of money as well inside it held about fifteen thousand she saved up over time. Elena quickly grabbed a duffle bag and stuffed about a weeks worth of clothes inside it, when she finished packing up Elena made her way back to Jack's apartment and leaned against the opened door. "Thanks for you know I guess coming with me to do this by the way." Elena said softly and ran a hand through her hair and sighed its going to take awhile to get all the way to New York City.[/color]