[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/chalk-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Little%20Myst%20&name=StaleMarker.ttf&size=100&style_color=8AB1EB[/img][/url][/center] Myst barked happily when the white beta wolf approached her, she quickly abandonment her search and her wagged her tail with excitement. The little pup quickly rubbed her face against the soft plush of white, welcoming the warmth of the adult. With a small yawn, she stretched and crawled closer to the beta. She curled up in a small ball to ward off the cool breeze and tucked her nose under her hind legs, drifting off to sleep. Without a warning, the small fur covered pup was replaced by a sleeping child. A peaceful look rested upon her pale face, her breathing was slow and shallow, small crystallize water frame on her lashes and hair. At first glance, the sleeping girl appeared to be another victim to the cold kiss of mother nature. The sudden shift of the older wolf brought Myst out of her slumber. She looked up at the beta, who left her side to join the other two males, and then over to the alpha; Ambrosia. Something was wrong, she did not understand what or why but suspicion filled the female alpha. Myst shook her head to get rid of the snow off her hair. A faint sound of something whirring through the air drew her attention away from the two alphas. She could not help of the low whimper escape her throat as she slowly got back on her feet, her small hands rubbed her eyes. Both confusion and fear consume Little Myst, tears slid down her cheeks.