"Ooh, he's comin' for me." Starla saw the fighter taking a wide swing, to come around on her for an angle. Originally, the Exeralune had been planned for two gunners. Two main turrets and some smaller batteries for point defense and attacker harassment. Without a second gunner, Starla could only manage the batteries and one turret at a time. Now, each turret needed a hole to shoot through the shielding. They were coming at turret one, which she was set to take advantage of. With the lack of a second gunner, leaving the second turret unused, she could hotswap to mix throw them off. She'd rather have a second gunner, but this was the next best. With the first turret becoming unused, its shields could be raised again. So she hopped seats, setting the first weapons interface to a timer before jumping out of her seat and to the other side of the weapon room. You could go and manually fire the turrets, but that would mean you were at the turret. A dangerous place to be in a firefight. Granted, the manual controls were way more satisfying and she always felt like she could aim better there (and if anything went wrong with her weapon, she could try and fix it immediately), but it [i]was[/i] dangerous. She'd hop into the new seat and the other turret would power down as she began firing from the other. It was the same guy that dodged her shot, before. She shouldn't take a chance, her clearest shot was for his weapons. And so, bright laser-fire lanced out from the second turret, toward the passing fighter's weapons.