[quote=@6slyboy6] Howdy gents! After a long talk with [@Prince of Seraphs] (even more than what is in this section) I decided to rewrite the history for my chara. I'm throwing it out here because I think it would help if you guys commented on it, throw in ideas if you think something is lacking. After all Iw ant a character you can all enjoy playing with. [hider=Tobias Thane] [color=green][center][h1] Tobias Thane [/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ikSOfQm.jpg[/img][/center] [color=green][b]AGE:[/b][/color] 32 [color=green][b]GENDER:[/b][/color] Boy [color=green][b]RACE:[/b][/color] Human [color=green] [b]MARK OF THE DEMON:[/b] [/color] Tiny pointy antlers (Which are rather than being a bone on the top of the head, are an extension of the skull), pointy ears, and sharp teteh. Black scribings on his back. [color=green][b]PROFESSION:[/b][/color] Thief/Assassin [color=green][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/color] Tobias has a completely average height, around 1.87 meters. He has a strong physique, and an almost perfect shape and proportion. Tobias wighs at 76 kilos( I actually know this in Imperial. That's 152 pounds). He has a strong chin, and and strong cheek bones, that bring out his vibrant red eyes. His facial expressions is stone cold like a murderer's by default, and his black hair is totally on point with that vibe. He sticks with his ranger clothing he inherited from his dead father. From bottom to top, it is engraved leather boots, that go knee height. He waers brown trousers, that are held by a long silver belt that wraps around his waist multiple times. Below it is a set of green clothes that are attached to the trouser. A brown leather and and fur shirt is on his chest, covered up mostly by a grenn jacket, lined with silver strings. The jacket comes with a hood, long enough to hide his identity if needed, and always good enoguh to hide the fact that he is not completely normal. There is another belt going around his chest, hold in place his small tunic/poncho he wears. His arms are covered in belts (he must really like belts) that keep in place his bracers. The set ends with a long green fingerless glove. His whole appearance is focused around silver lining and engravings, and most of his equipment is at least silver-like. That includes a neck bandana with small silver strings spiraling in front of his mouth, with the usual glimmering linings. [color=green][b]PERSONALITY:[/b][/color] Tobias could be defined by one as a madman. By another as an extravagant gentleman. Some might say that he has some issues. Whatever you say one thing is true. He is not your usual folk. His bloodlust and madness occasionally flame up, lighting up his eyes in a ghastly fire. However if not driven by fury he can be more things than one, depending on what teh situation needs. A gentleman, a killer, a humble hobo, a wealthy trader. Long ago he lost his real personality with Veiron beign the final nail in his coffin. Only one trace of his past self remains. His loyalty. One thing he is valiant to protect is his loyalty to those he deems worthy. [color=green][b]BIO:[/b][/color] Tobias was found in the forest by a ranger from the nearby bandit hideout. Not wanting to kill a baby he took Tobias to their hideout, and the other marauders took him as their own son: teaching him in thieving and deceiving. He grew up amidst the bandits and hunters, and soon became more selfish and wild than most of them. He never really ahd one person nurse him, but nevertheless he enjoyed having multiple "dads". The gang members thought him how to write and read using stolen books. Albeit a good effort, Tobias never took a keen interest in literature. He learned the basics, but when speaking he spoke with the unique accent of the rangers. When he was 7 they started taking him out on hunting trips, and taught him what herbs are poisonous and what can be brewed into healing potions or powdered into recovering dusts. He was a natural at hunting one would say, and he showed predatory behavious. Cruel and merciless. He learnt to use bow from the rangers that mostly roamed the forest, and supplied those who went out robbing. On his last day with them, he made his bow from ebony wood, found deep within the forest. But when he was 10 he was appointed to go out thieving with the lesser members of the bandits. And he stayed with them until he was 20. During those 10 years he mastered many arts and weapons. Throwing knives and swords became his tools, and he was taught in the arts of concealment and assassination. His agile physique helped him a great deal in moving around the town and the forest. However the last 2 years his gang's reputation exceeded itself, and they became targets. It wasn't long until the Royal Guards showed up and murdered the Green Rangers. It was a massacre. Only flashbacks remain of fire, blood and screaming. Most of them died. Not all thought. Some escaped with Tobias, but eventually they split up after a few days of hiding. Before parting ways, they sweared upon the Green Rangers loyalty thought. From that day on, they would only wear green and silver clothing, along with the same coloured sigil of the rangers. And then a harhs years came. Tobias was out on the run from officals, and spent his days either thieving or hunting and foraging in the woods. His arsenal of throwing knives and his bow soon got new members: a rare Shortsword stolen from a merchant, with a small glowing green gemstone inside it. Later he found a plant in a hidden groove which showed amazing potential. It covered the whole of the clearing and formed a small wall around it. It's fiber healed itself even after being cut, and if worn it would make the wearer less noticable, and harder to detect by magic. later he discovered it started to vibrate very faintly if it was near any sorft of magical item, such as his shortsword. It was the reason not many found the groove. However he found many magical artefacts and inscribings on the ground, and guessed that it must be a hiding place for a a wizard or an alchemist of some sort. He sewed his present coat from that material, after months of trial and error. It took the entire winter to make it, but it was worth it. With this new ability he would escape teh authority and become a professional assassin. His identity hid, he murdered many people in cold blood, every time disguised as a different person. After so many lies and acting his personality became unstable. On teh day the apocalypse hit he was in Veiron's merchant district disguised as a trader, escaping with a magical satchel he recently "acquired". The evil absorbed there shifted him, just like the others, but he managed to escape before being devoured. Not fast enoguh thought. He went mad. After years of loneliness and acting, he lost his self. Now just a twisted soul ina twisted body the only thing that keeps him going is to find and reunite the Green Rangers and make the demons pay for what they did to him. Possibly bring his sanity back. [color=green][b]EQUIPMENT:[/b][/color] [list] [*][color=green]Short Sword[/color]: A small sword, conviently named "short sword" with a small green gemstone embed into the handle. if dark, the gemstones and the sword light up, illuminatig a an area in fron of him, even if it's in the holster. [*][color=green]Ebony Bow[/color]: A hunting bow made of ebony wood that he made when he was in training by the rangers. It is completely black, covered in silver and grenn straps in order to provide fricion, and make it better to handle. it is not big, around the size of a short bow, but it is recurved, which makes it compact but powerful. [*][color=green]Self sewed ranger clothing[/color]: No name for this one. A magical ranger suit he sewed from fiber found in a groove hidden deep inside the forest. It regenerates itself if cut or torn. It makes him less noticable as if he wasn't there, hiding his signature from magic users, whilst alerting him of those who posses arcane powers, or worse. [*][color=green]Throwing daggers[/color]: He learned how to use throwing daggers and axes whilst he was in the forest. He is really accurate with them, and prefers to use them over the bow if possible, simply out of the reason that they are easier to access. He carries 6 with himself at all times. [*][color=green]Travel bag[/color]: More like a satchel, this contraption is something he found in his father's lab. A handy piece of equipment that can store more items that one can look out of it. It is really just a small brown bag with a silver string to hold it together, but if opened, one will see the huge space inside it. [*]Basic rations, water, gauzes, ropes, herbs of various kinds for making potions, oil for lanterns. [/list] [color=green][b]NOTES:[/b][/color] -Tobias is a very experienced fighter, and is good at duel wielding, or hand to hand combat. However his madness affects his skills. It is important to note that madness comse with loss of focus, and thus renders him less skilled and he is much more prone to not noticing the suit's signals about magic users. All in all, he is not as strong as he was before Veiron, nor can he use his equipment as well. -Tobias is extremely disturbed with Royal Guards. In his eyes they murdered his family and all his relatives, so he fuels a hatred against them. That doubled with his madness he might do things he wouldn't normally if near a Royal Guard. -One last word. He might be mad, but it's more like as if something controls his mind to push his emotions to the furthest limits. His original perosnality might come atop once a while, given a situation which requires absolute concetration, like near death experiences. His true skills are shown in those situations. [/hider][/quote] I don't see any problems.