[@Knight of Doom] [color=00aeef]"Yay you found one!"[/color] [color=92278f]"But who is it?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Its hatter you idiot!"[/color] [color=92278f]"No its not, look at his teeth he has to be the hare!"[/color] Rubbing her skull all Siris had done was nod at first. "Yes and I'm afraid we share two of them who won't stop arguing. My brother is deaf and hes told me that he wished it was the same in his head they get so bad." Offering a smile the woman stretched her back holding out her hand in open air even though it was a bit off course. " Sorry about my first words, they told us to find someone mad that was close by so we had to modernize our reasoning and deduct it down to you. My name is Iris, and my brother over here is Siris." The entire time she moved her hands in sign language, the brother more focused on them as she began doing so with the new comer as well. Yet Siris was still focused on his sister's lips, only flicking his gaze when he saw the red head begin to move his as well. His eyes widening at times when he began to hear wisps of words in his own voice with each movement. Not much, simple tiny sounds, fractions of words that fascinated him. Realizing that he hadn't really done anything he began to sign into his sister's hand. Watching as her lips moved in sync to what he had to say so the red head could see as well. "[color=007236]Dose that mean you know as much as us? We just started this today and its already interesting." [/color]He smirked when he watched his sister nod in agreement. Yes, it was interesting, the best game of hid and seek. If only they were kids they would have allowed their imagination to run wild. Taking his sister's hand he began to lead her, mentioning the other to follow as he watched them speak. His sister pulling away to sign. "He's right, we woke up and they were in there. Honestly we thought the life style we had was finally causing us to go insane. All we know is that we have to find Alice, and that we'll find something out soon. Both of us thought it was a new problem to solve thought to try and now we're here. One called you hatter and the other called you hare, so can you clarify?" Sitting down back at their table Iris put the cane on her lap. Thoughts running through her head as they tried to figure things out only to be shattered by the voices again. [color=92278f]"Yes we got to find Alice!"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Come on Hatter ya got to know something, she liked you twice as mad."[/color] [color=92278f]'Its the hare! March tell em, tell em!"[/color] [color=00aeef]" No its Hatter! She even noticed your missing sock!"[/color] "Enough both of you! We can't help you find Alice if you shatter every thought we get." A sigh escaping her lips Iris found herself leaning back. Feeling her brother's fingers she began to translate for him. "Well Siris here was thinking maybe we could use our names as leverage in this game. You see we do tours, see and hear no evil they call it. Its a show for acquired tastes I have to admit, and if these voices are indeed Alice's friends." [color=00aeef]"We are her friends!"[/color] [color=92278f]"We had tea you know!"[/color] Gritting her teeth the woman flicked her eyes open for only a moment in the thrashing voices. Milky white being all that could be seen. "Anyway if they are her friends than she must be a strange one. Maybe someone with strange interests. It could be simple to get the names of everyone who ordered tickets and narrow it down to Alice names. Tell me dose anyone know what she looks or sounds like?"