[center][color=cc99c7][h3]Sloane Shields[/h3][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/InzFibI.jpg?1[/img] [b]Location:[/b] leaving Ink Shields...or not [b]Interacting with[/b] Cara[/center] [hr] Sloane drew in a long, deep breath. The cold air sent a chill up her spine, but filled her with a new, fresh energy as she looked at the town. Beside her shop and home was the cafe, which she side glanced. It wasn't uncommon for the pack to hang around there. She stood still for a moment before turning in the opposite direction. However, she didn't make it very far until she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. As her heels clicked against the pavement, she pulled the device to check the message: Cara wanted to meet up. The woman dropped her arms and stared up the sky, shaking her head a bit. [color=cc99c7][i]Why?[/i][/color] she thought simply, musing over her options. Eventually, she raised her phone again: [indent][color=cc99c7]sure thing. ill be home all day.[/color][/indent] Hesitantly, Sloane tapped the send button. She was a lot of things and loyal was one of them. Unfortunately. The woman drew in one last fresh breath of air and turned to return to Ink Shields...as she turned, her eyes followed the local Father as he crossed the street. She didn't think much of it, however, and she unlocked the door to her home to step back inside and get comfortable.