[h3][b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] // [url=https://youtu.be/am-olDTSV2U]Mirror World, Crossroads[/url][/h3][b]JUNE 21ST 2015, SUNDAY Mid-day[/b] In the middle of the Mirror World lay a crossroad, two branches leading to two dungeons. Rui had called the team together due to a confirmed kidnapping, but Sato was surprised to hear that there were actually two victims this time. Sato doubted it'd be like last time if the two weren't as connected and close together as the Dragonuv siblings, and the suspicion was only confirmed when the team arrived at the split in the road. In one direction was a climbing skyscraper, which looked more like a never ending slab of concrete, with its lack of windows and, well... skyscraper stuff. To the other side was an old theater, rather lacking in unusual attributes. Megumi noted a connection between the two dungeons, which was deemed potentially useful since it lacked some of the dungeons' danger. Sato thought it was awfully convenient that they also had two people with navigation capabilities now. This appeared to be optimal conditions for a two-team dungeon run. But that meant certain people would only go to a certain dungeon. Considering this, Sato looked at the two buildings before them. The skyscraper was far from welcoming, while the theater appeared much more tame. The choice was obvious, but Sato didn't want to seem a coward so he simply looked to Rui for the final decision. He was the leader after all.