[color=lightsteelblue][center][h3]Niall[/h3][/center][/color] Niall turned sharply as he looked toward the high ringing sound of his new Alpha's voice. She was a queen that was for sure and not one to be taken lightly. Niall had heard that her family was one of the most ruthless families in Eastern Europe. Rumors circulated about her everywhere that they had stopped. She'd done quite a bit of traveling since she had arrived in the United States, even stayed briefly with some of his own parents outer associate members. He was curious as to why they were going out on a scout so soon after they had arrived, he had figured that they would at least settle in a do a sweep in the afternoon. It was still relatively early in the day here. He stepped away from the tie line where he horses were now firmly tied and standing quietly. As he did so his body quivered with the change, vibrating with the force that kept his body in one form or another and allowed him to change between them. He flashed into the towering lupine form the others were now familiar with, he shook out his inky black coat and stretched idly before padding over to Juniper and Adam. However when he noticed the tiny pup they'd acquired in her equally small human form crying the big hulking wolf headed for her. Licking her face and nosing her, letting her know everything would be alright so long as he didn't frighten her further. He had a job to do though and could not stay and comfort the pup. '[i][color=lightsteelblue]I would be thinking more along the lines of another wolf judging from her face. Ambra would not be so alarmed by a bear.[/color][/i]' Niall commented to the others. Someone like their alpha would not be so upset over a bear. Bears they could easily ward off or kill between two wolves depending on who it was. Bears, even large ones tended not to mess with Lycans, they sensed the danger. He trotted off into the wood line just ahead of where Juniper had been standing. This was the start of an adventure, they apparently weren't going very far anyways.