[b]"Really? Thank you."[/b] The Warforged thanked, Ihri scratched her cheek, [b]"You're welcome, but... Yeah, it will take some time."[/b] She admitted once again, [b]"I have to find what kind of 'language' was used, then which 'dialect'. There's all sorts of different kinds of magics for the same things because of cultural differences. The spell for fireball might be completely different than the one for a fireball in another land, but they both produce a fireball. In this case, I can't add my own magic to the one already in you because the two 'languages' will be incompatible and bad things will happen. Although... I'm not sure what those bad things are."[/b] She chuckled nervously, scratching her cheek again, [b]"So I have to study what is already in you, figure it all out, and then I can start adding or altering. It's..."[/b] She placed her magnifying glass into the box and closed it, the symbol changing again. She opened it, revealing several pieces of parchment and several pens with numerous inkwells of various shape and size. She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and began to draw it out. First a box, and circles in the box. [b]"It's like this,"[/b] She pointed at the circles, [b]"There's lots of empty space between the circles."[/b] She drew another box, but this time, squares into the box, [b]"And this is what it should be, no empty space. It stacks and gives a good foundation for growth, the circles would move around and it would be hard to put things on it and expect it to stay."[/b] She went back to the box with the circles, and filled in the empty space with four pointed stars, greatly reducing the amount of empty space and locking the circles in place, [b]"But we can do this and fix it."[/b] She smiled, [b]"Something like that. It should be something like that."[/b] She glanced upwards, finally done with her explanation. She sat down and started on her dinner, hearing a brushing sound. She looked over and found that a broom was moving itself to sweep the floor. After a brief moment of befuddlement, she spotted the ghost. [b]"You're a ghost!"[/b] She exclaimed the obvious, it was relatively easy to miss the apparition, her translucence ensuring that. [b]"Are you... Making the broom move? Are you a magic practitioner?"[/b] She questioned, putting the bowl down at the table. Black put his elbow on the table and rested his forehead on his palm. How she would ask if the ghost was a mage first and not question if the ghost was malevolent or not was beyond him.