[center][h1][b][color=limegreen] Manny Lane[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [center][i][color=teal]It's Showtime...[/color][/i][/center] [color=deepskyblue]Manny sipped on his straw and laughed. He played his smile and showed off his pearly whites; he was in a fantastic mood. It wasn't everyday he could company among friends and drink a Mocha Frappe. Cold drinks with his favorite people were among one of his favorite pastimes. He took another sip; Manny listened to his friends chatter and took drinks out of his coffee in between pauses. He wasn't putting much into the conversation since today he decided to just take in the normalcy. Manny and his friends sat outside the coffee shop under a giant striped umbrella. It was about as cliche as it could become. The only thing missing was a marriage proposal at a nearby table. [b]"Oh my god! Yes, a million times yes!"[/b] Manny had thought to soon when in the corner of his eye was a man kneeling down before his girlfriend. The girlfriend was hopping up and down in tears; it was truly something out of [u][i]"The Notebook."[/i][/u] [/color] [color=deepskyblue] Manny listened to the woman's cries, the horns blaring in the street, and other people's conversations. He never liked the noise, it was just sound pollution to his ears. But after a while, he has come to enjoy the obnoxious sounds. When having a secret life, it's great to enjoy the simpler things. The hero coughed once he phone had rang a peculiar [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU4z9-zwZec] ringtone[/url]. Manny opened up his phone and his smile shrank to a closed one. It was time for Manny to do his weekly deed; this was to prevent him from getting lazy and selfish. Lying to his friends, he told them it was work and hugged all of them goodbye. He snatched his backpack from under the table and went on his merry way. His companions waved at him as he walked away from the coffee shop. Once he was a good distance away, he slipped into a dark alley way. This way no one can see him become his "other-self." It was still broad daylight so he switched to his light, black jacket. He grabbed his hoodie by the two giant, gaping holes and held it over his head. Instantaneous, antlers popped out of his head and through the holes of the hoodie. [/color] [center][h1][b][color=darkblue] Black Antler[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [color=deepskyblue][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1yIyLadGbI]"It's showtime,"[/url] he muttered as a white mist came from his breath.[/color]