[@Snarfulblast] there [hider=BRIAN] [color=004b80][b]Name[/b][/color]: BRIAN [img]http://i.imgur.com/3nIUjGF.jpg[/img] [color=004b80][b]Age[/b][/color]: 322 [color=004b80][b]Gender[/b][/color]: None [color=004b80][b]Race[/b][/color]: Rouge Military Robotic Infantry Asset [color=004b80][b]Magic/Technology[/b][/color]: "We can make it better. We can make it stronger, faster, smarter than ever before!"- said the guy who designed BRIAN. A cliché text almost liek teh one about things that fly. But it is true. On Mawei quality is all thta matters. Well at least since the Domestians took over the Northern Hemisphere that is. And so this prototype robot is capable of emotions. Brian is resilliant to ballistic firearms and other contraptions designed to hurt him. He is integrated with an active defence system that utilizes cutting edge tech to shoot down projectiles even before they reach BRIAN. The frame has an INUH (Infra,Night,Ultra,Heat) MK 3 sensor which can detect a large spectrum of emitted radiation and a R/LADAR sensor to pinpoint hostiles. by design he is stronger, faster, and smarter than an ordinary human, but he is nor invincible, nor unbeatable. He is just as strong as any one man in a Power Armor. [color=004b80][b]Weapon[/b][/color]: A hand made, quality gauss assault rifle that can utilize 2 mags to easely switch between ammo types. Good penetration and fire rate with a capacity of 32 rounds/mag. If that won't kill the target be sure to check out the new Shocktech 9000 Shock Baton which can zap and bash it's way through the enemies. If THAT won't take down BRIAN's target then you better start running. [b][color=004b80]Description[/color][/b]: BRIAN stands for certified badass. The frame is an immensely powerful military technology that is an early reflection of what modern battlesuits are capbale of, albeit still needing an AI, because no one could fit inside the same sized armor, because of the electronics. Superhuman in strenght, not more than a rock in intelligence. BRIAN is smart but not intelligent. He is good at tactics and fighting, but nothing more. Impressive martial arts mixed with the inability to play Ping Pong. Talk about one sided personality. BRIAN loves music, and utilises it's speakers to share the sweetness of soundwaves depending on the situation. this irritates some, and pleases other. None the wiser he is a douche. He has emotions even if it is paired with limited intelligence, so he will msot likely say what he thinks in a simple and crude way. [color=004b80][b]Personality[/b][/color]: I don't think you need anything more after the previous information. He is just as wacky as the rest who visits this hotel. [color=004b80][b]Bio[/b][/color]: First there was nothing. Then electricity surged through the frame of BRIAN and he gained conciousness. The first frame was very basic, but as time went on many different scientists worked on it, intergrating BRIAN into the newer and newer bodies. He carried out covert op missions and gained sentience in the progress. After about 70 years he was dsent to be scrapped, but he escaped and went on to live a life of freedom. So he thought. In search of adventure BRIAn decided to get onto a spaceship and explore the universe. He did many awkward jobs in order to get money for his power cells, and other modifications. When fusion generators became a thing, he fitted himself with one, but continued the life in crime. Time passed (many useless info that won't ever matter in teh RP because BRIAN is a robot, and because Personalityis always what matters in an RP). So that's how he found himself at the hotel, still holding the severed head of the giraffe. [/hider]