Name: Jayce Karuta Code Name: "The Card Alchemist" Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Rank: State Alchemist Personality: Jayce Karuta is a friendly, funny and mostly happy individual. Jayce, of course, enjoys playing many simple board and card games among friends. These include poker, chess, mah-jong, checkers, go-fish and blackjack. To Jayce, social interactions are the greatest ways to become connected with people. He likes people and enjoys nothing more than sitting with friends, drinking some whiskey and playing some games. Jayce also enjoys learning, researching and using his special alchemy for the good of Amestris. Jayce hates corruption and injustice, and outside of his research, Jayce takes it upon himself to dismantle such schemes in the city, outside and within the military. Jayce strives to make a difference to the world, for the better. The Card Alchemist is ready for change and can't wait to take on the investigation of the machine/flesh abominations. Bio/History: Jayce was born under an Amestris hospital, and lived a relatively well life throughout his childhood. He excelled in his studies and it was very clear that the child possessed a calculating and intelligent mind. Outside of his studies, Jayce learnt the art of games. Probability, strategy, gambling, acting and luck. All key components to the art of the game. During one of his studies in a library, Jayce wanted to pull down a book about trigonometry, however a very interesting book fell down as Jayce reached for the top shelf. It was a book about Alchemy. It was fascinating. Such complexity, such prestige, such purpose! There was nothing like it. Jayce ran home that evening, bursting through the door and up the stairs into his bedroom. Jayce read through the thing twice that night. When he finally went to sleep, his parents came through the door, spotting the open book with notes and paper strewn all over the young boy's desk. Jayce's family was actually quite affluent. Not so much for Jayce to be considered having a silver spoon throughout his life (which if you think, Jayce will blow you up with alchemy) but they got by well. One time, they went on holiday to Xing. It was there, Jayce found out about Alkahestry. Now that was a concept, alchemy from a distance! All this talk and teachings of alchemy and alkahestry. Well, that was it. Jayce was going to become a state alchemist. His parents saw no need for it, but Jayce saw otherwise. There was always need for alchemy. Jayce had an idea. A combination of alchemy and alkahestry. Jayce begun creating his own technique. A deck of cards, with alchemy circles written on them. Special Skills: Gambling, quick-minded, alchemy, basic boxing techniques. Techniques: Card alchemy. Jayce carries round a deck of cards which has different alchemy symbols written on them. When thrown, they are used similar to alkahestry. Jayce has to keep inscribing these cards, but this is a small price to pay, unless he forgets. Research: Jayce's new research looks at the anatomy of the new monsters, and to get to the bottom of this. Equipment: Special deck of cards, a pen and journal to write down on the fly notes, bag of sweets. Other: Carries round a bag of sweets which he offers one to people he likes whenever he sees them.