[quote=@Mysaren] A youkai. [hider=Cain Barlow] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Q4Rg8Tw.jpg[/img] [h1][color=Lightslategray]Cain Barlow[/color][/h1] [h3][color=Cornflowerblue]"I taste blood every time I think of summer."[/color][/h3] [hr] [color=Lightslategray]│Name│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]Cain Barlow[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Title│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]Abel[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Gender│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]Male[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Age│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]19[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Height│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]5'5[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Weight│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]150[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Species│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]Youkai (Mujina)[/color] [hr] [color=Lightslategray]│Personality│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]Soft-spoken and shy, Cain is the epitome of a nice young man. He's very brave, and definitely loyal, but he's also not the smartest of people. What he lacks in intelligence, though, he makes up with his gentle and kind attitude. He loves animals and nature, and lots and lots of things. Yet, there is a darker side to him. Due to his past and just his general nature, he's prone to fits of anger and violence. He tends to get more serious and very very touchy when in a combat situation, so it is best to not bother him. He's very apologetic afterwards, however.[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Interests/Likes│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]Gardening, knitting, video games, shitty vampire films.[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Fears│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]Dogs.[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│MBTI type│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]ISFJ[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Bio│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]Born into a completely normal life, Cain's life changed when he was kidnapped at the age of 9. His captors raised him and trained him to fight, usually through rather brutal and violent methods. Cain spent several years in captivity, killing and fighting his way to the top of the ranks. Despite being known for his brutal nature, he was still soft at heart, and felt great shame at what he had done. Finally, after 7 years of being a fighter, Cain led a rebellion against his captors and escaped. He was later taken in by a nice, older family, who treated him like a son. He has lived with them since the event, and has only recently left in the hopes of finding a purpose in life through Akatsuki.[/color] [hr] [color=Lightslategray]│Manifestation│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue][b]Claws for Alarm:[/b] Cain can create very large claws on his hands, which are made of spiritual energy. They're incredibly sharp, and can cut through most materials. However, it costs him a lot of energy, and using it too much starts to make him weaker.[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Weapon│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]A set of claw gloves, like [url=http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/271314121136-0-1/s-l1000.jpg]these[/url]. He usually has them dipped in some sort of poison.[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Equipment│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]He has a small bag that's filled with vials of poison, bandages, and snacks.[/color] [color=Lightslategray]│Theme Song│[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql0NtjXIv_sp[/youtube][/color][/center] [/hider] [/quote] hey man i hate to be that asshole but like, can i get a review please mild edit to sound like less of an asshole