Honestly, I was interested because I like space combat sims (Elite: Dangerous being the one I've sunk time into)...but the ones I've played so far don't involve a lot of communication using those terminologies. I thought it'd be fun to participate in a space combat RP, even though I'm not well versed with the terminology right off the bat. That said, I had to research as quickly as possible and did find a few pages that listed the words along with with their meanings: [list] [*]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiservice_tactical_brevity_code [*]http://fas.org/man/dod-101/usaf/docs/mcm3-1-a1.htm [/list] Of course, not all words in those lists are going to apply in space combat but a good chunk of them should be useful to know. Needless to say, this has been a learning experience so far :)