[quote=@Krayzikk] [h1]Cyare Staunton[/h1] "I suppose the very concept is something unique to humanity. Not exactly a concept the average monster would entertain. Could be a significant disadvantage against another mage, however." The Tactical Mage took this new information in stride, adding and readjusting her perceptions of the other mage as well as his companion. Try though she might, a blind mage being combat-capable was a difficult concept to process. More than likely her chosen magic had some kind of sensory input, something she could use to compensate, but that was still a glaring vulnerability. What if she fought a user of Tactical Magic, like Cyare herself? Knight Form would put her out of commission in an instant. ... Still, it was not her business. Nor was she likely to fight such a mage. "Like I said, most of the combat jobs were gone yesterday. I wish you luck, but I have doubts that any remain." "I will have to locate my... associate... before I go." She frowned slightly as she secured the robe tightly about her, tucking her sheathed blade under one arm. A thought occurred, but she wasn't sure if it was one she wished to follow through on. But it might be advantageous... And there were not likely to be many jobs left for them given how many mages were in the city. "If you cannot find one, see if I or my associate, Rei, are still on the premises. An additional couple of pairs of hands would not be a disadvantage, I suppose." [/quote] [color=ed1c24][h3]Angel Ferrara[/h3] "Huh."[/color] Angel thought that over for a second, twirling a lock of blonde hair around his finger, and then smiled gratefully. [color=ed1c24]"I might just do that. Thanks, Cyare."[/color] The mage adjusted his clothing over his slender frame and managed to keep his grin somewhat steady at Cyare - though he still rubbed the back of his neck somewhat sheepishly at her, and there was the faintest hint of a blush left on his cheeks. [color=ed1c24]"I'll fill Kaia in. Hey, if you want to roll the dice on us meeting up again...maybe skip out on the inn's complimentary breakfast? Chances are I could cook up something better if you gave me twenty minutes. Never hurts to feel satisfied going into a contract."[/color] The blush threatened to return along with the offer.