[@druple] I was hoping to have most of them accounted for, but I suppose we don't need all of them. We'll give it another day; OOC will go up tomorrow. Anyone who wants to can double characters, but the characters unaccounted for will be NPCs unless someone else signs up after the RP has started. :) [@SilverRain] Not really! Just make sure to give them a really solid personality before we start! Since they will be interacting with a variety of personas, it is easy for them to become different people if their attitude isn't thought of ahead of time. I hope that makes sense. ^^" [@AirBender] Absolutely! Like I said, we'll wait a day. Once the OOC is up, you can take any characters you want. :) Just be sure not to overwhelm yourself! Any unclaimed characters can be used as NPCs controlled by anyone, if we need. Also, I dig Roxas x Namine the most... Traditional, but I think they're perfect together. :P <3 Axel x Kairi might be interesting, though... >.>