Demon - Ashtaroth Ash moved from him, walking toward the opening in the room and turning to face him. She leaned against the window, the soft breeze that pushed against her ruffled her dress, but to be sensuality by her very nature and not flash your panties at least once a night would be pure travesty. She smirked at her leader, a quick lick of her lips before answering him. "At least a hundred years I've waited and I honestly thought you might taste more like sin but it's apparent you've been hanging out with the humans a bit too much. Sex and candy, anyone?" She laughed and turned her back to the room, not a care in the world. Truth be told Ash could care less for the formality of the council room and rather felt put off and tied down as she sat beside Mephistos as deliberations were presented without end. There was very little reason, in her own mind, for speaking with other races if they were not serving the demons and their causes, her father having inbred in her the desire for destruction, mayhem and burning hot lust for the evil of the world. She stretched, her long arms lifting above her head as if preparing her for a dance that might leave the gods breathless. Ash started to let him in on all that she'd discovered only to stop abruptly as Madeline moved into the room, the girl much more attuned to a fairy than a demon. Her cheerful disposition had Ash growling under her breath. "Tone it down just a little or I shall tie you up and lick the skin from your bones while I beg Mephistos to drown puppies and rape blonde cheerleaders to classical music." She laughed and moved toward him, leaning over to whisper in his ear. "To see you squirm is much more adventurous than to delight you in the fact that the hunters have empower the last two descendant of James to began a journey that might prove prosperous for the church. My sources tell me that we might just be missing someone tonight." She moved back and let her nose almost touch his, her gaze locked on his. "Do tell me if you can figure out who is a pawn, lover." Without a word she moved into fiery red smoke and disappeared from the room. Demetrius would be there soon and she hoped to catch him before the charades started. They had a few things to discuss and being most careful in present company, her disappearing act was quite necessary.