[@Caits] Kijani smiled up at him. "Oh, it was lovely. I visited everything, I learned a lot... I even got to tour Wakanda for a few days. It's mind-blowing. No wonder they keep the place well guarded." She'd wanted to bring a camera and take pictures, but there was a strict rule against private cameras. The guards looked seriously well trained, and as Kijani didn't want to spend the summer in a Wakandan prison, she didn't test them. "I bought you some nice postcards, and a ton of other souvenirs from everywhere else. How was your summer? Invent anything fun?" [@KatherinWinter] Kassy smiled at the boy who'd just landed beside her. He obviously wasn't human, but still, his speech pattern was a little strange to her. "Ah, we? Do you have siblings?" Imagine growing up in a forest, though! To be surrounded with green, like a sea of leaves... "Oh, um... I'm Kassandra, Clan Keigwan." She offered her hand, mentally running through how to address new people.