Aleksandra allowed herself an uncharacteristic giggle of joy as she free fell through the sky, spreading her arms out before tucking them back in as she fell into a spiraling dive. The wind howled past her face and tugged at her hair but she paid it no mind, stretching her arms out before ending the dive with a "roll" backwards. The military base down below looked so... small, like she could pinch it between her fingers. For a moment she remembered her childhood, when she would pretend to be a giant and step on trees - that was sort of what it was like whenever she flew or skydove. The ground was nearing, and she figured now was as good a time as any to deploy her parachute, yanking on the cord and touching down a few minutes later. "Well then," she grinned, "that was fun! Thanks for inviting me along, been a while since I got to jump out of a small metal tube hundreds if not thousands of meters off the ground with only a thin piece of fabric to stop me from splattering against the ground!" Her grin turned to a smirk as she put a hand on her waist. "Now, since I'm not a fan of barbecue, who else feels like joining me in looking for something to eat elsewhere?" She would go regardless of whether or not someone accompanied her, but it couldn't hurt to have someone else along for company, and besides - she'd never been in England before. She had no idea where to go.