Name: Joseph "Mikkish" Callahan Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Light blonde hair, thick and long enough to reach the neck. Eyes are dark and green. Long scar on his left cheek. Very light tan. Borderline emaciated body with a little defined muscle thrown in at 6 feet tall. Normally dresses in dark jeans and a nice shirt. He is confident, so always has his back straight and his head up. Has a charismatic, but bastardly smile. Personality: Selfish, careless, and a bit rude at times. With his friends, however, he will just try and help them out, though at times his help may not be so much appreciated. He loves doing things that interest him, but can also be considered lazy in that he wants the quick, easy solution to most things. He has little to no respect for any authority, and doesn't really think too much before charging into trouble. Magic: Physical Buffing: 7 Pyrokinesis: 1 Healing: 2 Non-Magical Combat: MMA: 7 Clubs: 1 Knives: 1 Guns: 1 Support Skills: Charisma: 5 Sneak: 3 Mechanics: 2 History: Mikkish' was found as a 13 year old boy with no memories or records of his birth anywhere. He was laying injured on the ground when he was born, in a shack that looked like it had burned down, yet he himself had few actual injuries, save for a concussion and loss of memory. He was adopted by a drug dealer, who he lived with and had to work with at times until he left at age 18. Then, living on his own, struggling to make ends meet with his crap low paying job, Mikkish found a book mysteriously hidden away in the attic of a townhouse he rented with several others. Well, it seemed like something out of a supernatural horror, as it was written in Sumerian and had strange symbols drawn on some pages. but that just made Mikkish want to translate it even more. The more he translated, the more like some fantasy crap the book seemed, but strange things began happening to him. He was able to manipulate some of the flames in his lighter or matches, and he found himself being able to lift heavier and heavier things, despite that he began to lose weight at a concerning pace (well, he wasn't too concerned. He is careless and doesn't really think about important things like his health XD). He started to see similarities between what he saw from himself in real life...and the "spells" detailed in the translations of the book. Though, being the skeptical and careless asshole he is, he still wouldn't have been convinced of the locations in the book were it not for the acceptance letter from a school he didn't even apply for. In fact, he didn't try for University; it was surprising to anyone who knew him that he even finished high school. Regardless, the thought of University excited him, until he realized the location of this odd school, and the name, was the same name and location mentioned in the book. Then, he HAD to go, which is why he is now on a boat on the way to the school. Important items: the book and some brass knuckles.