[i] [center] [h1] [color=630460]The Purple Man[/color] [/h1] [/center] [/i] [center] [img] http://kastorskorner.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/wpid-us_vertical-kilgrave-banner.jpg.jpg [/img] [/center] A cold, pale fist wrapped against the door. “H-hello..?” Harry Yeong poked his sweaty head out into the street, regarding the stranger with an odd look, and a slightly out-of-breath demeanor. [b]“I like your house,”[/b] said the Purple Man, plainly [b]“I’m going to be your guest here, indefinitely.” [/b] Harry Yeong’s resolve melted away, as every cell in his body screamed for him to obey the purple man. “The Wifi passwords on the back of the router.” He said with a smile, stepping back into the well-furnished hallway, and allowing the Purple Man to enter his home. Kilgrave stepped gracefully passed the asian man, his dark coat tail billowing behind him ever-so-slightly as he swept up the steps and through the door. “Harry!” screamed a naked woman as she tried to shield herself with a plant pot, dipping in and out of the living room “Why the fuck did you invite him in?!” [b]“Whose this?”[/b] The Purple Man asked Harry Yeong, nodding his head at the naked blonde. “My next door neighbour’s daughter.” He said with a smile “Her parents and my wife are out of town.” The blonde woman’s mouth hung open. “Harry!” she screeched “what the fuck is wrong with you?!” [b]“Be quiet.”[/b] The Purple Man demanded, and she obeyed instantly [b]“let me take a look at you.” [/b] She put the plant pot to one side, and stepped forwards so that Kilgrave could look her up and down. [b]“Eh, I’ve had better,”[/b] He said aloud [b]“this very morning, actually. Nice tits, though. Rather pert.” [/b] He clasped his glove clad hands together, turning to address the pair. [b]“Right, you two; Out.”[/b] The Purple Man pointed to the door, and they both began to file out into the street. [b]“Wait!” Come to think of it, the whole ‘no clothes’ thing might attract some unwanted attention. Go and put some clothes on ,you slag, then get out. Find some way to entertain yourself for the next...five hours.”[/b] Kilgrave made his way into the living room, his mud-caked boots leaving blotchy brown stains on the fluffy carpet. He plopped down on the sofa, flicking open Harry Yeong’s laptop. [i]'5 * dining in my area'[/i] he typed into google.