Character: Name: Efirinil Baoleth Appearance: [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Age(20 and up): 53 Gender: Female Race(Human, Wood Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf): Dark Elf Rank:(No rank higher than Knight-Lieutenant): None Right now, Acting Royal Court Sorceress Personality: Strong desires, a will to achieve all goals, Efirinil is shrewd, thoughtful, and particularly distrustful of those not of the Royal family. A strong affinity to those she considers worthy of her loyalty, she will protect those close to her with a passion, while with others she will remain aloof and uncaring, all the while trying to figure them out as much as possible even by investigating pasts, histories, family, and friends. There is a more sensual side to Efirinil though she is beset with a strong need for the pleasures of the flesh and has been known to have seen more than one man a week in her chambers, all of whom have had nothing, but good to say about her afterwards. She has used this to increase her political sway and gain power, She has little honor when it comes tim for her to increase her position, and power whether magically or politically. Bio: A Orphan, tears in her eyes watched her mother and father’s swaying bodies at the end of nooses from her hiding spot under their house. For several days she wandered lost and alone looking for food where she could, fleeing from human children as they chased her away, kicked, punched, and even threw rocks at her. It wasn’t a easy life for a Renmer in Faldrim. She ended up in the Capital, one of the few places she was able to find a way to feed herself. So at the age of Twelve she joined the seedy underbelly of the slums, she did what she had to to survive earning money as some kind of exotic creature that men with money leered at prepared to spend plenty of coin to spend time with. She got used to the bruises, and the cuts that she often had and learned how to hide them with makeup and found herself more than capable of pushing the traumatizing events aside so that she could concentrate on surviving. It was one particular evening that her life went upside down. A particular nasty patron had beat her senseless and drug her into an alley. She laid there groaning on the ground, the large noble with a double chin and a gnarled piece of wood standing over her as his thin wisps of hair fluttered in the cool soft wind. Efirinil stared up at him with terror in her swollen eyes, blood dripping down her chin from her lips. The piece of wood raised in the air and preparing to strike her. Efirinil’s hand came up to stop the attack just as a voice shouted “Stop!”, it was then red hot yellow flames rushed from her hand and engulfed the noble sending him screaming on fire from the alley. A man near the end of the alley stood dumbfounded at what he had just witnessed his body wrapped tightly in fine robes. It was the Royal Court’s wizard, and he was just as surprised as Efirinil at having found a drow girl in an alley using magic as she was that she had used the magic. The Wizard Gawayne took Efirinil away that night bringing her to the Castle and claimed her as his apprentice. For years she studied under him, increasing her powers and learning magic, alchemy, how to read and write. It was during this time that she met Prince Gregor who would be king. For a short time they shared a tryst, they both knew nothing could of it, but it satisfied both their needs and helped to secure Efirinil’s future within the Royal Court. When Gregor became King she knew that when Gawayne passed away she would become the Court Sorceress, which did happen several years later as Gawayne became old and fragile passing away as his physical form broke down. King Gregor named her Royal Court Sorceress she has been serving ever since. Weapons(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary): Magic Staff (it helps her focus her powers) Magic: Pyromancy ( capable of manipulating fire to extreme degrees able to create flames simply from heat no longer requiring a active flame source. Another power in this is a small defensive system where she uses fire to act as a shield incoming projectiles etc would be suddenly struck by a fireball floating around her) Geomancy (Capable of minor manipulation of earthly objects such a rocks no larger than fists and raising small sections of earth etc.) Illusion(Though only with certain aspects, She is capable of causing others to see multiple copies of herself, cause enemies to see some things that aren’t there such as walls where doors should be etc.) Restoration(able to heal small wounds, and temporarily contain larger ones so that they can be worked on by someone with more skill) Other: She has a pet Owl of which she keeps with her at most times, finding it to be a most useful creature. Post Example: Court was to commence soon, but Enfirinil had some business to take care of before hand. She stopped in front of Lord Ledinburg and placed her hands on her hips staring up at him. “You are going to be proposing what we discussed before, yes?” Her brows raised in curiosity as to what his answer would be. She had made a deal with him several weeks before hand that he propose a stronger budget for her research and to open up access to his lands for her to research and gather materials from. A smirk crossed Lord Ledinburg’s face as he didn’t even look at Enfirnil. “What? You think I would give such a hefty pledge from myself for just a taste of your dark skin? Hah you must be the dumbest Court Sorceress in the history of the world.” A hand suddenly came up and latched onto the Lord’s collar and yanked his head down as she stared him right in the eyes. He stared back more than a little shaken now as he felt heat begin to rise from her hand and make him sweat. “Dear Lord Ledinburg do you think that I would just go off on the whim and assume you would do as I asked just because we laid in bed together? I think not. I have several papers right here in your handwriting with your very signature that speak of a plan to overthrow the king. Honestly your writing was particularly easy to forge, or so my associate said. I even had him write up a few test papers that I showed the King and he was none the wiser to the forgery. Lucky for you, they were simple letter requesting information on when new wine shipments would be arriving in the city .” Her grin was wicked and her eyes showed nothing but contempt and hate. “Ah yes.. Of course Lady Enfirnil, I would never break an agreement we had made.” The hand released his collar and he stood up straight dusting himself off and walking away towards the Court as the doors opened. Enfirnil stayed behind her hand hanging by her sides a smile slowly growing across her lips. Everything had gone to plan. [hider=Themesong][youtube][/youtube][/hider]