Agent Caits gazed back at Agent Dioxide, taking the cloth from his hand, and given a thankful smile. She shoved the cloth in a pocket, not wishing to seem overly interested in it, after a quick look at the message. She leaned against the door frame, as if at ease, just talking with another agent. [right]'thank you. Try and keep Subject 30 calm, and bring him back around, okay? get him to talk. He might be willing, since you weren't apart of it'[/right] She wondered if Agent Dioxide would figure out the hidden message in her words. Talk with Cody, he might have heard pass codes, at the very least it was worth a shot. She didn't think that Cody particularly wanted to speak with her right them. She watched Agent Dioxide leave, gave a sigh, and leaving her door open to let in some light, she sat at her computer, leaning back she closed her eyes in thought. She would check on Cody in a little bit, right now, she merely wanted to think. [hr] Cody could hear Gerswhin's screams. Screams for him. He couldn't do anything about it, and he gripped the bars furiously, knuckles white. It was crushing to know he couldn't do anything, couldn't put her at ease, to calm her. He leaned against the bars, listening to her screams, listening to the fainter attempts of Agent Dioxide to calm her. He didn't notice the light glowing over his skin, his eyes luminescent. He didn't notice that he looked downright spooky, like a creature from hell. Or perhaps heaven. He didn't notice that the bars warped slightly, melding just slightly to his hands. All he could hear was Gerswhin. Everything else ceased to exist. It was his fault she was so distressed. His fault she was in pain. His fault that they would now know more about her. He bowed his head, tears beginning to fall, bright sparkling tears. He didn't care that he could hear that someone was there, watching him. He didn't care. It was about then that Cody decided they could do whatever they wanted to him, but that he was going to get out. When Gerswhin's cries died out, and things seemed to go quite, Cody eventually laid down on the bed, feeling sick. He curled into a ball, appearing pale and weak. He shook, just slightly. Slowly, the light faded, and as he closed his eyes, they returned to their normal blind state. He began to appear quite lifeless. And his finger prints were imprinted on the bars of his cell door, where he had gripped them hard. [hr] [quote=File#48] From: Agent Caits To: Agent Dioxide Subejct 30 is now unresponsive to attendants, guards and myself. He refuses to speak, and appears quite sick. I will be approaching Dr Baonning about this, but do not wish to leave him alone. I feel that the isolation (Excepting the guards) is not good for the subject, and is in fact impacting the subject negatively. Please, I know you have some things going on with Subject 29, but as Subject 30 knows you, and appeared to be at ease with you, I'd like you to check on him while I approach Dr Baoning. [/quote] Agent caits figured that that was a good enough cryptic message. it got the point across that she was going to be speaking to Boaning. She looked to Cody once more, having been there for quite some time, watching him. He hadn't responded to her. 'Cody, I have to go for a bit. Agent Dioxide should be here. Perhaps I'll bring you some music' She gave a soft sigh, and went to find Baoning.