[@Mifuyne] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/a35c79c96907e272e18f1905bc05b4a2/tumblr_no5ofwq9681svjeufo1_250.gif[/img] Okay time for a review nice and quick for you. Everything looks.... good! Fury is accepted!~ Once again sorry for the wait. [@Didgeridont] That's fine take your time we are in no significant rush here our at least I'm not. I understand when life get's in the way and such. [b]To everyone:[/b] I'm going to try to get another post up to push combat along probably tomorrow or the next day. If you can't get a post up before then do not worry, combat posts are kind of easy to jump into so you will have no real problem keeping up. Since they are generally shorter deals.