[h3]Dragons[/h3] [hr] [b](Creatures)[/b] Moving on from my previous discussion of Druids, yet still pertaining to the cause of the current Cataclysm; Dragons. They were beasts long thought to be extinct centuries before man ever had its first lucid thought. From the few skeletal remains that we have found, a few things have been deduced. One, they appeared to have been hierarchical by nature, but not in the same way humans are. Rather than a societal, divine right that appoints our rulers, dragons appear to have been biologically chosen. The largest of the dragons -- both from sheer mass, as well as the broadness of their chests -- seem to have been given certain "rights" by the smallest of the horde[sup]1[/sup]. More riches, a larger selection of mates, etc... However, these privileges do not seem to have been hereditary. In fact, from what evidence that has been garnered on the matter, it appears the broad-chested dragons are incapable of having young like themselves. Whether these larger dragons were simply just a mutation, or part of some grander design is still a mystery. Second, the dragons appear to have been gifted magically. While there was no way to determine this simply from their remains, places where they have been found also contained powerful artifacts. [color=steelblue]Dragonfire Armaments[/color]. These unwieldy devices have proven bizarre to human standards, and many of their exact uses have proven so esoteric as to stump even the most genius of artificer and scholar. How do we know of their power then, exactly? Well, one [i]has[/i] been successfully activated, and as much has led to the [color=steelblue]Abandoned Continent[/color]'s creation... Lastly, and perhaps the hardest fact to believe, [i]they still live[/i]. Not only are there records of bones being just as old, if not younger, as humanity as a whole, but recently, they've been making appearances; a fact I would not for the life of me believe had I not seen one with my own two eyes. They live, and are highly aggressive. They are not here to parlay (though it begs the question if they can even understand us, let alone us to them). I have seen one thoroughly wipe out a standing army of over a thousand men without batting a lash and barely got away with my own skin. Though, with such power, this supposits the question: [i]what are they doing here?[/i] With this recent "[color=steelblue]Resurgence of Dragons[/color]", there has also been an increasing amount of heretics; those who believe the dragons to be the children of Ignaes himself. They have somehow come upon the belief that these dragons are the true inheritors of the Earth, and that humans and their kin are nothing more than upstart impostors. They call themselves "[color=steelblue]The Breath[/color]", and while a majority of them have proven docile, they are definitely not friendly, or working in the best interests of humanity. [sup]1[/sup]Hoard being the term used for a group; much as one would say "school" for fish. [right][b]Records of a Trapped Man[/b] [i]by Deles Tro, the Traveler[/i][/right]