A low rumble and a sharp crack shattered her dark crypt, dust and gravel rushing in and out of the air around her as her lungs rasped back into life gasping out short dry coughs. Nali reached out weakly grasping at the nearest opening, something to pull herself free from her grave, the hunger slowly bubbling up once more inside her, violent and angry at having been denied and confined for so long. She managed to stumble a few steps forward as the rumbling grew until the back wall of her small pigeonhole crumbled destroying the small box she had woken from. The shock and wind from the collapse surged behind her clawing to get past her and out to free air, stealing her breath as it shoved her out of the alcove tossing her to the ground like a mere rag doll as it swirled and spiraled up and out in a billowing cloud. Groaning she curled up in a small ball, cradling her left side laying motionless for a few moments before the words of others made their way up to her plateau. Curious she rolled over crawling to look down over the edge where it looked like a woman and two men had gathered, it was short work to identify them as occupants of the coffins littering the walls, well at least some of them. Nali's eyes widened as a snare child appeared, before chiding herself at being taken unaware, it was after all how she got in this mess. Their posture and tones gave no signs of animosity or hostility, instead it gave off a vibe of comradery with faint indication of distrust. Pursing her lips together, she sat up stretching slowly working life back into her limbs wincing as cramps and discomfort soon followed. Being stagnant in a box for years did little wonders for the body, but at least she bore no signs of aging or any other calamity. Her blue eyes rested briefly back on the small group debating on making her way down there before continuing the observation of the remaining Stone, cautious and wary. Surely something catastrophic had to have happen to render such a monument to noting but a decrepit skeleton of its former glory. Another shake of her head drew her out of her thoughts as a wave of nausea and pain hit her drawing a sharp hiss from the redhead as she desperately clawed at her belt praying to which ever God was listening that her small stash of jewels still existed on her person. With each movement the pain grew causing the young women to double over as she finally wrapped her hand around the bags drawstring pulling it out. Shaking fingers pulled at the knot as her blue eyes slowly started to shift to yellow, a faint aura of blood lust slowly exuding from her. A soft clinking echoed of the ground as bright lights of red, yellow, green, white, and blue glittered happily in the sun. A pile of small gems spilled out onto the ground, barely enough to sate the hunger raging but enough that she could manage to keep it tamed for a week at most. Annaliese sighed quickly snatching up a small Topaz popping it into her mouth not even bothering to wait for it to melt before swallowing it, the relief was brief but enough to dissipate the desire for blood and change her eyes back to normal. Flopping back onto her back she lazily scooped the rest back into the bag stowing it away once more. [i]'Seems I owe someone an offering after all...'[/i] The sarcastic thought rolled around in her mind before being replaced back with the original inquiry as to if she should join the small gathering down below her. Draping an arm over her eyes, she enjoyed the reprieve from the light, a thief by trade she dallied little with the day time preferring to move by night, but that was before the world became an unknown. [color=7bcdc8]"Looks like we'll become fast friends, you and I."[/color] Another sarcastic remark aimed up at the cheerful ball of yellow shinning happily up in the sky, as she sighed once more sitting back up mentally cursing the guards who didn't allow her to keep her cloak. Her pale skin wasn't us to the hot rays of the sun and had already started to gather a pink tint; a quick scramble and a few steps found her resting against a wall in the shade with a good view of those below. [color=7bcdc8]"Well aren't you all a cheery bunch."[/color] It was easy enough work to raise her voice so that it echoed off the remaining walls and make it's way down to the others, yet Nali made no move to join them.