The only publicly known space program is the one with space shuttles and such. In other words, one that doesn't have any bearing upon the stargate programs. The governments are (in collaboration) keeping alien existence and tech as secret as possible. Only a few traces have been released over the years. Some medicine, Reverse-engineered versions of various tech with added flaws, etc. Tech of levels like energy shields is still utterly secret. the aiming of weapons on the ships like 304's and so forth is done in a large degree by computers. He might have a knack for figuring out exactly how to predict where targets will go, though. But that probably isn't enough to rate being brought into a stargate program. Weapons and shields are separate systems. There's probably a few bridge technicians in charge of overseeing shields. Not sure what they fall in under (tac. officer, weapons officer or captain directly), but it doesn't matter all that much. Sep knows though (or will decide)