[quote=@WilsonTurner] Can I just say that there is a startling lack of real variety here? Almost EVERYONE is skilled with a bow. Just about EVERYONE is skilled with a short blade. Everyone's some kind of ranger/forager, whether directly/formally, or indirectly/informally. So, uh, why the hell is everyone still exactly the same thing? If everyone is so good with a bow, it'd be smarter to cut down the forests of Everautumn and simply have a regiment of archers to shoot down any lycans before they get close. [/quote] 'Tis a fair point. To be perfectly honest, I hadn't even noticed the large concentration of archers due to the amount of time between each character sheet being posted. If anyone wants to edit their characters to give a bit of diversity among the cast, go for it. Try not to be too terribly proficient. There should always be room to grow. Also, second characters are allowed, if you want, but please make sure you can handle it first. I'd rather have one well written character over two unfocused ones.