[b][color=gray]Jason Alexander[/color][/b] Habitually shooting her a glare before remembering it'd do no good, I flipped the note to find something resembling handwriting. Now, granted, I say "resembling" in that most handwriting I've encountered wasn't like this, least of all my own. You may expect me, being super insightful and analytical to have a very modulated, proper aesthetic to my notes, but you'd be completely wrong in that. My notes come fast and loose, because, hey, as long as I can read it, speed kills the work faster. In contrast, what I was looking at was closer to calligraphy than any handwriting I'd seen in my 22 years. All flowing and pretty and perfectly clear... It must have been a girl at the helm. A very cute one. Nothing more masculine than that could write like this. We guys are wired too differently, we rarely pay this much attention to aesthetic detail when we could just quickly scrawl shit out to our friends. Or acquaintances. [color=gray]"Well, it says they're going look for breakfast and maybe a bath. Might check out the job board too."[/color] A bath... I don't know why she thought "Kaia" would be able to read that, but we all have lapses in memory.