Name: Mykaela Doreno Age: 17 Gender: mentally female Personality: Most people usually see Mykaela as very lazy. She has a tendency to fall asleep almost anywhere and anytime, and tends to be difficult to rouse. She also eats enormous quantities of food (and usually falls asleep afterwards), even for what most mages would eat. When she does interact with other people, she’s rather sardonic, and doesn’t take much of anything seriously. However, Mykaela is quite intelligent and devours knowledge with even more voraciousness than she does food. Her “laziness” is essentially a front to lower people’s expectations of her, her dream walker magic developed as a way for her to avoid work in school, and her innate telepathy makes her very sensitive to what other people are feeling. She is very playful with her shapeshifting magic, and so this drives her to learn as much as she can about living creatures in order to make better changes for herself. She is not above scaring people with her transformations as pranks. She loves card games, particularly poker, and is always up for a game. Magic: Body Buffing: 3 Shapeshifter: 4 Telepathy: 1 Dream walker: 2 Non-Magical Combat: Krav Maga: 8 Capoeira: 2 Support Skills: Deception: 6 Dancing: 3 Cooking: 1 Appearance: Because of her shapeshifting abilities, Mykaela could, with enough effort, make herself look like anything or anyone, and she also has a habit of changing things about herself as often as most people change their clothes. However, there are certain traits that serve as a more or less “default form”. She stands at around 5’2”, 110 lbs. She favours compact, slightly muscular body shapes, sharp eyes and shortish hair. Some would also call her pudgy, due to the sheer size of her diet. History: Mykaela comes from a very wealthy background. Her parents are co-owners of a successful shipping business, and as such tried to raise their daughter to be as cultured as themselves. They were largely unsuccessful; Mykaela proved to be mildly narcoleptic, and spent large portions of the day sleeping. She didn’t care much at all for appearances and was something of a slacker, becoming an embarrassment to her family. The only thing that she seemed to take any interest in at all were the dance and self-defense lessons that her fitness fanatic mother gave her. All other things, however, she preferred to leave to her younger brother and sister. One of the few people who understood the difficulties she had was a cook employed by her family, having lived with narcolepsy himself. It was he who taught her cards, often allowing her to join in the nightly games that some of the employees had, and she became an excellent player with an inscrutable pokerface. Many things began changing as she grew into a teenager. While sleeping, she began to find herself in the dreams of her family and their servants, and even while awake she was well aware of what others around her were feeling. Additionally, while Mykaela had always loved food, her appetite grew to an almost worrying size, and yet she seemed to gain barely any weight at all. Things came to a head when she was fifteen; on a particularly cold winter day, after the power had gone out the night before, Mykaela woke up covered in dense brown fur, and her hair had grown well past her feet overnight. Far from disturbed by the change, Mykaela was nearly ecstatic, and set about exploring the extent of her capabilities. Two years later she received an invitation to attend a school that neither she nor her family had ever heard of, who claimed to be able to “help” her with her powers. Mykaela practically begged to go, and her parents, rather frightened by what she could do, didn’t hesitate in accepting. Notable Items: necklace holding a shark tooth with an inset sapphire, half-finger sap gloves, pack of playing cards