[u][h3][center]101-200 A.E, Hel's Reign[/center][/h3][/u] [center][i]As written upon the inner walls of Hel's Watch [/i][/center] The Queen Hel, despite her efforts, had great trouble gathering her army to storm the land of the old masters. It was not that she was at a lack of warriors, many kobolds shared her desire to bring justice to the old ones if not her boldness. However, she found that organizing the warriors, that ensuring each of them had a spear and a shield and was ready to march, was of great difficultly. And so Queen Hel laid down the first true laws of our people, by instating fellow kobolds to aid her in her duties, to give orders and ensure the state of the army. She would call them Captains, and these kobolds she chose for their sharp minds and keen ability to fight. After many years of work Queen Hel, along with her captains, her favored daughter Hellia, and her army of four thousand, marched southwards. Deciding upon a path that would lead through the mountains for most of the journey the army marched for several months. It would be then that the troubles began, for in her rush to war and her focus on ensuring she had troops Queen Hel did not think to consider food. The only food the army had was that which they found in their march, and the mountains held far to little to feed an army. Only after losing a thousand warriors to hunger did Queen Hel stop, but rather than turn back she instead said that they would build a fortress, restock their supplies and then return to their march southward. It would take many years to fortify the patch of mountainside the Queen had claimed, and she did not return to Scale Home at all during this time, only sending the most fleet footed of her warriors to send word and get supplies. It was during this time that the kobolds of Scale Home found one of the greatest of treasures. In the year 152 A.E everything in Scale Home was normal. Tunnels were being dug, the ores found being stockpiled, for the old ones rewarded our kind long ago for finding ore before sending it away south, so even back then we knew it's worth, if not the complete worth. It was during this time that, by complete accident something marvelous came into existence. A flute. The exact details are unknown, but the magic of the flute could not be denied. Music swept through the chambers of Scale Home, and during those years everyone owned a flute. It was during 182 A.E that the Kobolds learned of another race. Queen Hel, with her army, sat within the fortress of Hel's Watch, stockpiling food and spears, shields and water. However, it would be then that from the walls a sentry would spot movement, a great deal of it. The dwarves, though our ancestors did not know this. Queen Hel mistook the beings as short Prometheans, due to their girth and abundant hair. After several short skirmishes however, it was established that the two races shared a common language, and that nobody was or worked for the Prometheans. After the dwarf prince's visit to the fortress, Queen Hel planned the best way to remove this new threat, before her daughter convinced the Queen otherwise, the Dwarves had metal, new metal, and Hellia persuaded her mother into finding a peaceful manner of obtaining it. Over the next two decades trade was established between the Kobolds and the Dwarves, they gave our people ore, and knowledge how to work it, while all we had to give them was food. After learning what exactly qualified as 'food' to the dwarves Scale Home saw an abundance of metal, and metalcraft. By 190 A.E nearly every Kobold in Scale Home was adorned with metal in the form of necklaces, bracelets and torcs. The more metal a Kobold wore, the better of they clearly were. Before long, small metal pieces of bronze were floating about Scale Home, normally found on the Dwarven traders that passed through. After a kobold by the name of Killuck asked what they were our people became introduced to the concept of the coin, and forever more was the market of Scale Home changed. Coin passed through the markets, and into the hands of those with the best goods, or the best songs. A kobold could survive entirely upon being a merchant or musician, when before the only trades were miner or farmer. None of this however Queen Hel cared for, or was even aware of for the most part. She sat within her Watch, looking downward at the lands of the old masters, waiting for the time to strike. She was getting old however, and it was with great happiness that a chance presented itself to her. It was autumn of 191 A.E, and the dwarf prince, the one who represented his people, came to Hel's Watch. He was now a king, however his lands were held by a old master and his army. After much bartering Queen Hel and King Rokdar came to a agreement, his people would become hers, and she would get the battle she had been waiting for her entire life. Over the coarse of the autumn and winter the Kobolds and Dwarves trained as one, the Kobolds would receive spears tipped with good bronze, and two races would be ready. In the summer of 192 A.E the grand army of the Alliance of the Mountains marched southward, quickly and effortlessly taking apart Promethean outposts and mines. It was not until they reached the dwarf city of Uthein that the dwarf-kobold army met an actual threat. Gritig, the leader of the old masters. His army sat controlled the city, and the Alliance of the Mountains army would have to storm the city. It would not be hard to get in, the old master's welcomed the battle, and what a battle it was. Dwarf and Kobold phalanxes would collide with Promethean warriors, charge met with charge, spears meeting swords meeting axes. The turning point of the battle would be when Queen Hel charged forward with her personal guard and captains. Breaking through the Promethean line the Queen, on her own, charged Gritig. She would inflict a wound across his face, surely scarring him forever more, but afterwards she would lie broken, for Gritig was by far the stronger. However this act drove the old master and his army away, the force retreating. The battle was won, and Hellia, who had been on the battlefield alongside Rokdar, became Queen. The dwarf leader, perhaps zealous after such a battle, was ready to swear fealty on the spot, but Queen Hellia stopped him. As the two had fought together, so should they lead. The Empire of Scalethein was born that day, upon the corpse littered battlefield. The new Queen looked over the bodies, and decided that she must return to her home. However, she would see finished her mother's dream. She would march upon the Prometheans, but not yet. It was with those thoughts she returned north, to the music of Scale Home. [hr] [h3][u]Major Events of Scale Home - 2nd Century[/u][/h3] [b]Cultural:[/b] Invent of the flute, which led to many Kobolds becoming musicians. With an abundance of metal jewelry becomes commonplace, though the jewelry itself isn't very expensive, bronze, tin, iron. [b]Technological:[/b] Little innovation was made, a stockpile of various ores building up, mostly due to Kobolds lack of knowledge regarding their use. Flutes were invented so that's something. [b] Military:[/b] The beginning of military structure is introduced in order to maintain, well, order. Captains are established. The fortress of Hel's Watch is built in the mountains. Later in the century an army of Kobolds and Dwarves march south and liberate the Dwarven capitol. [b]Diplomatic:[/b] The dwarves are met, and trade is established. After the Kobolds aid the Dwarves in regaining their capitol the two races band together to form an Empire. [b]Governmental:[/b] Queen Hel's reign ends with her death in battle against the Prometheans, her daughter Hellia becomes Queen, and one of the two leaders of the Scalethein Diarchy. (I've got no fancy map. Just look up, the dwarf post has an accurate map. Granted, no set location for Hel's Watch, I'll have that pegged by the next turn however.)