[@Rusalka] The blue haired girl screamed and the gun went off. It was at fairly close range, and the timing was impeccable. The fast reflexes of a vampire reacting instantaneously in fear were spot on, like a Zen master archer, finally firing a shot after an hour of meditating on a single point in space. There was no time between her instinct and the result, no thought or emotion running in her head to jumble up the signal to her fair little hand. The bullet pierced the vampire's flesh without any chance of being dodged. Mithias stifled a grunt as he was shot in the gut. Had had been shot many times before, and never before had bullets stopped him. They couldn't. Had he thought he needed to avoid being shot, he would have been far more cautious. Of course, he never expected a vampire to be carrying holy-imbued ammunition. Shock struck him as he realized the pain from his wound was only growing, burning inside of his body like a bright coal. His brow furrowed anxiously as what little color he had drained from his face and he went down on one knee. Desparately, he tried to ascess what damage had been done to him and he covered his wound. Weakness threatened to overtake him, but he fought against it. Any lesser vampire would have passed out or gone up in smoke in an instant. He trembled slightly behind clenched white teeth. Seven centuries. Was this all the time he would endure on this earth? The power and life that he had been given in exchange for his fall from grace as a knight... Did it end here? Mithias looked up at the two females. Truly, they had shot him on accident, a coward's move. Yet, lethality might have been their intent all along. Like a fool, he had not considered that they could have been hunting him. Perhaps their use of holy weaponry had won them elder's lives before, or perhaps it was a defensive measure against those like himself. Ah the details didn't matter. He was now at the wrong end of a holy weapon and likely too slowed to effectively flee. He was in no way curious nor desirous to experience death, not for a long long time yet, but if this was it, if this was the moment... at least it had been a beautiful night. Wanting to live, and avidly looking for the slimist chance of survival, Mithias wasn't stupid. He gasped in pain and squeezed his yellow eyes shut, but he didn't try to get up or run or attack. One more bullet like that, especially into his skull, could possibly be enough to kill him. Containing thie pain, he glared at Rebecca like a wounded animal, a large wounded animal. Skipping insults and small talk, Mithias jumped to the crux of the situation. "What do you want from me?" He asked her.