Robert wasn't really expecting this reaction to his question, and the more she talked the more his heart broke, and when he saw how angry she got and the tears form in her eyes, he hated Governor Lyon more than ever. His gaze turned over to where the governor was, and he glared with hatred. He and Marian had something else in common: they were both screwed over by this man. Robert was lost in thought, still glaring at the man until Marian asked him truth or dare. He turned back to her and his gaze softened slightly. "I'll be right back. The popcorn-beer combo is finally getting to me." Robert said with a weak grin, getting up from his seat, climbing up the stairs, and disappearing into the crowd. -- It wasn't hard to sneak in and find a vendor outfit, and it wasn't hard to find a hat and glasses to hide his face. He wondered how much time had passed since he left Marian, but he didn't care about that at the moment. All he could think about was Governor Lyon. He grabbed a tray full of popcorn and cotton candy, put it around his neck, and walked down the aisle of the stands, giving a fake thick Boston accent. "POOOPCORN, COTTON CANDY, COLD DRINKS!" Robert yelled, his accent think and unrecognizable as he made his way through the crowds, tossing people the items. He got lucky to see that a family behind the Governor was asking for him to make his way over. Robert shimmied his way into the stands, and once he got behind the Governor, he accidentally dropped a couple drinks on the governor and his family. "Oh geez, sir I am so incredibly sorr--HEY!" Robert was grabbed by body guards, and he was expecting that in his plan. There was no doubt that they knew Robin Hood used disguises, but they wouldn't find anything on Robert's person. After the initial search, Robert was released, and he quickly went to help the governor. "I am so sorry sir, here, let me get that for ya. Would you like some free popcorn? Its on the house!" Robert said, his accent thick as his hands quickly patted him down with a towel. Lyon was very angry, and did a poor job at hiding it, but he eventually gave a sigh and shook his head. "Its fine.... We'll take a couple bags of each. Please let someone else come here next time. I don't want another soda shower." He said in a passive aggressive tone. Robert wanted to punch the man up close, but he nodded and smiled weakly as he handed the people their items. "So sorry, sir. It won't happen again... eh, enjoy the game!" Swiftly Robert walked out of the aisle, and back up the stairs, and nodding his hat at Marian who was still sitting there enjoying the game. It was a subtle hello as Robin Hood, and she wouldn't think twice about it at all until the news reporter tonight will talk about how the Governor was robbed of hundreds of dollars from his personal wallet. --- Robert came back before quickly fixing his messy hair before he sat back down next to Marian, holding fresh beer, and a bag of cotton candy. "Sorry, lines were killer... Did I miss anything good?" Robert asked, looking at the game casually.