Agent Dioxide looked at his phone while the nurses were tending to him. Though he got out of Gershwin’s psychotic episode unscathed, he was mentally and psychologically wounded. The nurses attended to monitor his heart-rate while he, under strict ruling, was to lay and recuperate. He had to fulfill part of his plan as well, but on his part was for a lesser cause – Agent Caits was doing the hard portion of the infiltration. [quote= File #49] From: Agent Dioxide To: Agent Caits If his abilities are as good as we assume it to be, then he will have heard what happened with Subject 29. I’m sure news will go round and you will hear about it as well. We may have completely ruined our relationships with both Subjects, but we will continue to try and work on it. [/quote] This served as nothing more than a notification of what just went down, and how life for Gershwin and Cody was not going to get any better. They had to get them out as soon as possible. [hr] [i]In the Science, Research, and Development Building – Main Laboratory[/i] There was not a single shadow in the Main Laboratory, what with the numerous powerful lamps providing ample lighting to the already meticulous and gaudy floor. Its intent was to keep the scientists awake as they slaved through hours upon hours cracking the mysteries of Anomalies with hard science, logic, and taxing ingenuity. Much like the other divisions, everyone minded their own business and any sort of noise at all sets them off to attention. They were fighting strict deadlines, and some were known to have not left the premises for months in order to catch up – smart vampires of the night. So when Agent Caits walked in, all eyes were on her for just a second before returning back to the screens. Dr. Baoning maintained his as she approached. He was in his office, a spacious room with one large window, allowing him to survey the open, wide tables where scientists operated. He let his door open normally to listen in on any potential news, or mistake. He closed his door when Agent Caits entered – allowing no sensitive information to leak out. ‘Agent Caits. You weren’t summoned. What brings you here?’