Dorkle Stein was working at the library today. He was feeling rather bored. There weren't a lot of readers in today and not much for him to do except sit on the counter and wait. He thought about all the other things that he could be doing instead of wasting his time and brain power here. He could be working on new inventions for a certain monster that he shouldn't tell anyone about. He could be out researching the wildlife in the ecosystem nearby his home. He could even be discovering a strange new chemical by now! Anything would be more exciting than sitting in the library. He glanced over towards his mother who was rearranging the books in the nonfiction section. His eyes widened and his bottom lips quivered. He kept that face until his mother finally turned in his direction, shook her head and waved him off. She had no sympathy for him. She didn't like how he was doing all those crazy experiments. Why couldn't he just be happy working in the library like his parents? It was a safe, cozy job and someone had to take care of the books. Dorkle sighed. He was counting the minutes until his freedom.