[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/urLEINE.png[/img] [color=00bfff][b]The Primordial Sun, Emperor in Gold[/b] [b]Level 2 Cosmic God; Stars[/b][/color][/center] [hider=Summarino] [list] [*]Ull'Yang enters the fourth cycle of rebirth. [*]He remembers his travels across Galbar with his Avatar and the events that happened during that time. [*]Ull'Yang finds an extraordinarily tall volcano. Names it Mount Borhmanven and signals Teknall to come take a look. [/list][/hider][hider=Might Usage] [list] [*] -3 MP to induce 3 supernovae over the years. [/list] [b]9.5MP - 3FP[/b] (2 carried over from previous turn)[/hider] Cosmic dust, matter and different types of ionised gas slowly swirled around a single point in space. The forces existing inside the magnificent Divine Nebula were slowly but steadily working towards restructuring the Primordial Star. Gravity slowly exerts itself upon the matter inside the nebula, pulling it together, condensing it into one big ball of matter and gas; temperatures slowly building up to the point where nuclear fusion begins to happen. Through this process, Ull'Yang emerges once again, in his fourth iteration this time. [color=00bfff][i][b]"Ah, finally awake;"[/b][/i][/color] Ull'Yang spreads his divine awareness around him, noting his location and scanning his surroundings for anything of interest. Alas, he is, once again, alone. Stranded in deep space, eternal castaway on the island called Fate. His only consolation? Mingling with the other gods' creations through his Avatar. Ull'Yang had spent millennia walking the surface of Galbar, the god's first experiment lab, before entering the hibernation stage. Every god, just like with the Grand Codex of Creation, had contributed to the terraformation of Galbar, albeit some particular gods' creations arose doubts as to the thoughts those gods had when they were creating said lifeforms. For example, take Toun's White Giants. Ull'Yang had spent quite some time observing the eccentric creatures. Towering giants of white flesh encased in porcelain armour, the White Giants are every bit as weird as their creator. Totally blind and without any sense of smell, those creatures seemed to be driven by nothing more than the sheer will to protect all that was natural in the world, and by extension defeat all that was unnatural. Obviously, Ull'Yang realised that it was not of their own volition that they did that, no. Toun had programmed the beings so. All in all, although the beings were not by any means, pretty to look at; White Giants were ultimately the fruit of Toun's efforts to protect the life that Slough oh so obliviously propagated all over the planet. Ull'Yang was also present when Vestec did what Vestec does, smashing two moons together, destroying one and sending the other on a collision course towards Galbar. At that time, Ull'Yang couldn't really do much about the moon hitting the planet and destroying everything that they had strived to create. Fortunately, Vowzra came to the planet's rescue. He utilised his knowledge of The Beyond to open a rift in space, connecting The End with the solar system. Before the moon was completely swallowed up by the rift, Ull'Yang managed to catch a glimpse of what lied beyond the rift, inside the End. At that point was it that he realised just how important Vowzra's existence was to the grand scheme of things. If such...beings managed to slip through the fabric of reality and reach the Universe... Let's just say that it's good to have someone willing enough to guard the Universe against them. In his travels, Ull'Yang had also seen Zephyrion and Teknall's joint creation, a magnificent palace floating high above the surface of Galbar, atop what seemed to be a thousand or so clouds. Ull'Yang didn't directly visit the Celestial Citadel but merely opted to observe it from afar. He didn't know if his brothers noticed him observing their floating abode or not; he didn't care either way. What did, in fact, pique his interest was one of Teknall's other creations, the Ironheart Ranges, a colossal mountain range spanning thousands of kilometers in length, stretching from the southern tundra, up to a short distance south-west of the Nice Mountains, then heading west to the Fractal Sea and the Shattered Plains. Most of the mountains didn't reach more than two kilometres in height, except for one. Mount Bormahven, as he came to call it, was a gigantic mountain, much taller than the rest of the mountains surrounding it. Its only flaw? It was an active volcano. The volcano reached a staggering twenty kilometres above sea level, the tallest of all the mountains on planet Galbar. From its peak, one could enjoy a view comparable to - and if not better than - the view from the Celestial Citadel. [color=00bfff][i][b]"Truly, this might be the single best place on this planet when it comes to stargazing,"[/b][/i][/color] Ull'Yang thought as he stared at the stars, little pieces of himself adorning the night sky. [color=00bfff][i][b]"Hmm, I wonder how come no one, and especially Teknall himself, has yet to discover this volcano. One would think that the Craftsman God would need a proper workplace..."[/b][/i][/color] Ull'Yang raised his hand and shot a beam of pure solar energy from his palm towards the sky. [color=00bfff][b][i]"I hope you notice my signal Teknall. This body cannot mentally communicate with the gods right now and my true body is really far away, way out of my divine awareness' reach,"[/i][/b][/color] Ull'Yang thought and waited. Had Teknal failed to notice the signal, Ull'Yang would return back to Deepwood. He had found that Slough's domain induced a certain calmness in his mind. It was so easy to fall asleep there that Ull'Yang had made it a habit to visit the place ever so often and spend an indefinite amount of time there, relaxing his mind, before continuing on with his travels.