[Center][I][B]Lustran[/b][/I][/center] [I]Crunch... Crunch... Crunch... Crunch...[/i] The leaves underfoot were softer than usual in the mid-morning dew, but still rustled with a sharp finality as he marched through them. All around him were similar sounds coming from the steel boots of his 'escort'. Finality - a strange choice of word but a fitting one, given the situation. It had been two hours since they had caught up to him - the local city guard that was. He could have kept running but having the situation escalate would just make things drag on needlessly. They were stubborn and didn't seem prepared to give up the chase anytime soon. Besides, there was no guarantee that he would have escaped anyway. This town was new to him, and the local militia were both well armed and surprisingly skilled. Unfortunately for them. Lustran scowled at the ground, but kept quiet. His hair hung in his face as he kept his gaze fixed firmly on the ground ahead of his feet - greasy and matted with the years of mistreatment and abuse, not to mention the past few days of running and hiding in whatever ditch he could find. His clothes were worse if anything - torn and faded and far from clean. They had taken his coat of course, the only half decent piece of aparrel he owned. Faded and worn as it might have been, it was sturdy and well cared for. But worst of all, they had taken [I]her[/i]. [I]Crunch... Crunch... Crunch... Crunch...[/i] There were two in front of him. One to either side and two behind - all armed with crossbows and swords. There was a seventh carrying his coat and crossbow - getting his filthy hands all over her, not even remotely understanding the divinity and power that rested in his grasp. Lustran flexed his fingers behind his back - feeling the cord that bound his wrists together dig into his flesh more tightly. He twisted his neck sideways with a satisfying [i]crack[/i] and continued trudging along. Timing was key - it made the difference between living to see the next day and taking a long sleep in a shallow grave. Timing and some kind of distraction. [I]Crunch... Crunch... Crunch... Crunch...[/i] He felt a hand clap down heavily on his shoulder - felt one of the rear guard draw closer and heard the first sounds of speech. With a flurry of movement, the Brigand smashed his head back - feeling the bridge of a nose give way to the back of his skull. Twisting, he kicked out at the legs of another guardsman sending him crashing into another. Hooking his foot under the colossal crossbow that had fallen to the ground, he smirked as it was flicked into the air. As the weapon fell through the ground he turned - extending his hands behind his back and feeling the iron bayonet cleave through the ropes around his wrists. It was far beyond one man's mere talent with his weapon: more like a team who could understand each other on some deep, emotional level. [I]"Stop right there!"[/I] One of the guards shouted out, bringing his own bow up to aim... ... The Brigand raised his left hand to his face - gingerly touching the stinging on his left cheek before inspecting his fingers. With an ugly sneer he wiped the crimson against his coat and swung the crossbow back across his back. He shrugged heavily to redistribute the weight of his load before shaking his head with a sneer. It was their own fault, he reasoned as he returned to his march through the forest. They had every opportunity to simply walk away... Back in the clearing, the world was motionless. There was barely a sign of a scuffle - save for the bodies of the seven local militiamen, pinned high among the branches around the clearing. Grasping a section of his coat, Lustran gently brushed down the crossbow as he left the scene. He moved slowly, his attention mostly focused on removing the fingerprints of the guard who had dated touch her. [Color=f5deb3]"Ugh, I'm sorry."[/color] He muttered under his breath before pausing as if to listen. Raising a single brow, he scoffed at some sounds that did not exist. [Color=f5deb3]"It wasn't exactly a walk in the park for me either! It was [i]me[/i] that they were trying to kill. [i]You[/i] just got a little scuffed..."[/color] Shaking his head, he continued murmuring to himself as he wandered into the distance. [Color=f5deb3]"So now I guess we find somewhere new to lay low for a while?"[/color]