I'm not new to roleplaying though the post count may say otherwise. I have been on the Guild since the age of thirteen, but left at seventeen due to personal issues and came back when the site was restarted. With that said I am trying to ease myself back into writing on the site and with different people, allowing me to experiment with alternate styles and character personalities. Though I am looking for partners that will be understanding of my hectic schedule, I will aim to post at least once a day but if not then my partners need to be aware that it isn't due to lack of interest but personal and academic life taking priority, I will do my best to get to you as soon as necessary but there are times that I wish to develop my posts more so it may take until I am able to sit down and fully concentrate on what I wish to convey. I don't wish for my posts to be lackluster or come across as half hearted attempts as I value my writing as a representation of myself. I am a particularly open person when it comes to genres, if an idea you have interests me then I am not adverse to working on developing that idea further so don't be afraid to hit me up with a desire or an urge to roleplay something particular. I am partial to playing females though I do wish to work on my males more but because they are not as developed, opportunities that allow me to work with both are very much welcome. I am high casual to advanced in that I like the story to exist beyond a few mere sentences, it gives me a better understanding of the world the characters live within, the characters that I'll be working with through the story along with my partners, and overall provides depth to the narrative and themes that I don't believe can be conveyed as easily in a Free writing style. Spelling and sentence coherence is a must! Though I am understanding in situations where disabilities can hinder spelling, though please make me aware of this before we begin so I don't come across as a pompous ass in correcting you and make you feel uncomfortable, that is the last thing I would wish to do. If wishing to include mature and graphic scenes then I do require you to be at least 18+, I refuse to write scenes of a sexual nature with anyone younger than what is considered legal. I look forward to embarking on future linguistic adventures with you!