Alexei Dragunov - Dungeon Day He had been a bit late and hesitant to join but he promised himself that his duties and newfound powers weren't only for his near and dear ones. He had a responsibility to protect the defenseless, the weak. He was never a righteous man, he usually worked himself bare only because that meant time away from his own loneliness and self-loathe but it had begun to change. Akane's reassurance was the first step towards that change, he decided that if he wanted his sister to be independent like he wanted, he'd have to relinquish some control. He can't forever be looking over her soldier like some guardian and try and make things easy for her. The world was a hard place and it was time that he made his sister self-sufficient enough to fend for herself. That began with him teaching what he had learnt over the years. When Rui's message came, he wasn't sure if he had totally bought this whole hero thing but after mulling it over. He picked himself and went out to find the location mentioned. Upon arriving he was greeted by a few others he didn't remember but from their behavior it seemed that they expected him. He was shown an assortment of weapons to choose from as the room was empty, the girl said that others were already inside. He scanned through the inventory to find an item he thought he'd be comfortable with. A heavy tire iron, it suited him in a way. After giving it a good look and doing some empty swings, he just asked the boy to show him the way. Walking through the mirror world, he had the same woozy feeling as the time when Elena got taken. It took him a moment to readjust himself. As he jogged on ahead, he could see a group gathered at the crosswords. Akane and Rui seemed to be present, so was Matt, Ayano and Kotori. It meant he was with his schoolmates just the setting was different. As he looked on ahead, the monolith caught his fancy. The dread that resonated from it seem to move Alexei at a basic animalistic level. He pointed his finger to air his view about his leaning, if anyone was interested. [color=ed1c24][b]"I'll be taking the Tower."[/b][/color] he said in his trademark deep grumble.