[i]Khu-Shabash, a land between this and the outerworld. Some say it is only a myth, others see it as a very real gateway to places beyond the comprehension of Man and Jinn. For many, the legendary boundry has never even crossed their minds, that is until the events of what would be known as The Intercrossing. The mad sorcerer, Nabo-bal-atir-rib, discovered ways to enter into the borderland, disappearing entirely beyond the outer realms, only to reappear 2000 years later, armed with the godlike-powers of the Outerworld, and releasing his minions upon the world of Men and Jinn. Among his first displays of power was to destroy the boundries of the Realm of Man, and the Realm of Jinn, uniting the once previously unseen peoples into a world in the process of conquest. This, however, was his first mistake. While Nabo-bal-atir-rib had torn down the barriers to strike fear into the hearts of mortals with his power, he brought together a new alliance that would otherwise have never become. The Humans and the Jinn drove out the Mad God, and sealed him once more behind the Borderlands in the outerworld with powerful magics. Since then, the world of Mortals has been stable, though new conflicts did arise in the sudden sharing of worlds with new peoples, but over time, the world had settled into a new rhythm once more. But a new threat arises, a cult who worship the Mad God, and seek to break the seals that lock away Khu-Shabash, and release Nabo-bal-atir-rib into the world once more. The Gods, seeing the threat of this new power, seek to protect the world, and, unable to intervene directly themselves, have chosen heros from Man and Jinn, to fight back, and protect the world from the evils of the Mad God once more. [/i] [b]What is Gates of Khu-Shabash[/b] Gates of Khu-Shabash is a fantasy roleplay based on Middle-Eastern Mythology, particularly Mesopotamian, Levantine, Egyptian, Arab, and Abrahamic mythology. The story centers around the imminent return of an deity with apocalyptic power, the Mad God [b]Nabo-bal-atir-rib[/b]. It is up to the player characters, the Chosen Heroes known as the Anunnaki, to prevent his return. The game will center around the travels and adventures of these heroes across the continents of Al-Mashriq (The Land of Dawn) and Al-Maghrib (The Land of Dusk), as they work to destroy the Naboites, worshipers of the Mad God, and powerful Mages who seek to open the Borderlands and facilitate Nabo's return. From there on, the RP is open to molding and suggestion from the player, but here are some basic foundations I'm looking to build off of [list] [*]A team 6-8 [*]Players can be Human or Jinn, Humans are tougher and stronger physically while deficient in Magic, while Jinn are naturally powerful Mages, but fragile compared to a Human [*]Characters are mildly superhuman, but nothing too special [*]Setting will be in a Mediterranean Setting, Similar to the Levant or Mesopotamia, with Mountainous Areas and Deserts in the outer reaches. It is one contiguous landmass, with the continents being divided according to geocultural boundaries. [*]Techology level is Early Medieval/Caliphate Era [/list] Anyone interested?