[hider=CS][b]Name:[/b] Benjamin Pevensie [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Benjamin stands at a height of 5'10 and weighs about 150 lbs with an slender frame which doesn't have much fat nor any defining muscles at all. While seemingly not a guy who would be an active person, you would doubt yourself that Benjamin was just an bookworm. Wearing mostly a plain shirt with a jacket on top of it, his style of clothing is quite plain most of the time. He stands upright most of the time with an serious attitude plastered on his face. [b]Personality:[/b] Benjamin is a static person with walls built up through the years of living that he has gone through. It is a means of protecting himself from people that he isn't sure of what to make of them. He always puts up a serious face and keeps to himself away from people unless necessary contact is required. Reading and indulging himself in the knowledge of books and magical text, in which he deems better than the company of people. Always being withdrawn into himself and reserved, he prefers the company of himself. He however does have a handful of friends which he does connect to. [b]Magic[/b] Enchantment - (6) Conjuration - (4) [b]Non-Magical Combat:[/b] Marksmanship(Bow) - (10) [b]Support Skills:[/b] Perception - (6) Parkour - (4) [b]History:[/b] Benjamin was an ordinary a child could be living in the countryside, staying often with his grandparents and uncles house where he would often go hunting with them. Learning how to use all of his senses from a young age, he learned to track but couldn't hunt with a firearm for the recoil and general appeal of the gun was distasteful during his young age of 10 and yes, they let him handle a gun at ten. It was a frustrating situation for his Grandmother who was an avid hunter and his Uncles who grew up hunting with her, knew that Benjamin despite his lack of ability to use firearms was a talented hunter. Even though without using a gun, he often track the animals who escaped the initial shot and mercifully ended their life from the suffering. Being the first one most of the time to tail down the animal and wait for the other hunters to reach him. His Grandfather sighing at his wife's obsession with firearms decided to go with a different approach and gave Benjamin with a bow instead. Trying it out for the first time, he liked the feel of the string and watching the arrow soar and it struck its target, taking up the bow. His Grandmother while disappointed, was glad that he had taken up something so that they could still go hunting together, even though it wasn't a gun like she was used too, hunting with her nephew was enough. So Benjamin over the years like anyone with either a gun or bow, needed to train if they wished to be good. He went to several classes and even taught himself for a few months but for the most part, had a friend who was an instructor to teach him for quite a while. Using what he learned, he'd often go hunting with his Aunt and Uncles who was usually the first to fire his bow silently and take down something before the rest of his Uncles and Grandma would have their fun with the guns they used. Being quite loud it scared the animals away after the first shot but most of the time secured two kills to be separated, one by the bow and another by the gun. It was until he entered Archery Competitions by the urging of his Grandmother who often went into Gun tournaments with his Uncles to see how each other were. He obliged to his grandmother's wish and enrolled in Archery Tournaments himself, thinking that he was fairly decent himself as he compared back to his hunting trips. He remarkably landed in the top 10s for his first tournament, coming out of the blue which surprised many of the older competitors who were shocked at the new kid who got so far up on his first try. [b]Notable Items:[/b] Having a plain old backpack to carry everything inside he has: [list] [*]His customized Compound Bow, pretty fancy enough to be folded to be carried around concealed [*]A folder (with lined and blank printer paper) [*]Two notebooks [*]Several other miscellaneous school supplies (scissors, pencils, erasers, coloring pencils, and pens)[/list] [/hider]